Rockstar need to drop GTA6 ASAP, gta v been boring to me for years now. I got FIFA and Cold War atm, but i suck at both, cus I haven’t played the previous few FIFA’s and call of duty’s so everyone way too good and I don’t like playing in division 6 😭😭😭
i havent played ultimate team since ps3
excited to get back into it
but pes> fifa on ps4
hitman coming soon too
ultimate team played out lmao
the times where u could do well with a simple gold team are over
now everyone has informs and all these other weird card types after 2 weeks of the game being out
you got batshuayi up top playing against icon R9 and team of the year kane every game
Rockstar need to drop GTA6 ASAP, gta v been boring to me for years now. I got FIFA and Cold War atm, but i suck at both, cus I haven’t played the previous few FIFA’s and call of duty’s so everyone way too good and I don’t like playing in division 6 😭😭😭
lmaooo ya gta 5 was boring for me before but I finally got everything set up, I bought some shark cards now its so easy. doing the new heist solo gives you 1 mill in an hour lmaooo its a joke
you got batshuayi up top playing against icon R9 and team of the year kane every game
smh they killed it then?
ultimate team played out lmao
the times where u could do well with a simple gold team are over
now everyone has informs and all these other weird card types after 2 weeks of the game being out
Fr, I have a decent gold team myself, but I come up against high rated teams full of pink, orange, blue and legend cards even in division 5/6. You either gotta be some addict or some rich mfer to compete in games these days.
tbh fut hit its peak in like fifa 12/fifa 13
the goat era
definitely my two fav fifas by faaaar
Fr, I have a decent gold team myself, but I come up against high rated teams full of pink, orange, blue and legend cards even in division 5/6. You either gotta be some addict or some rich mfer to compete in games these days.
definitely my two fav fifas by faaaar
i remember when i used to roll with full silver sqauds
i remember when i used to roll with full silver sqauds
FUT 13-15 were GOAT tbh, FIFA 17 was decent with the weekend league, after that s*** became trash. Back when you could buy a few million coins for 2 tenners
I’ve been on a After Hours wave lately, it’s great, but when I put on PM it just hits different man
i remember when i used to roll with full silver sqauds
always fiended for that 74 agbonlahor card
always fiended for that 74 agbonlahor card
el shaarawy and Nathan dyer
I’ve been on a After Hours wave lately, it’s great, but when I put on PM it just hits different man
AH is Abel's best work since kissland imo
art with another good opinion, 2021 really looking up
Lmbo u know ive never once been wrong
@Bill_My_Zoot vibe with my bro