Yeah, it was alright in the end.
I have to say Majid is much better live though.
Random, but I think I saw Dave before the show. He was walking around early doors on the floor with a few homies from what I saw. I could be mistaken but it looked like him.
MJ is great live
Majid was staring into my soul while doing Sunset cause I was vaping in the crowd
I was the only one singing along though so he couldnt be too mad
MJ is great live
The high notes he hit the last time I saw them made the whole crowd gasp in awe
Dude can sing for real
Jordan a great musician
And they seem like genuine good people, pun intended. Very humble guys.
The high notes he hit the last time I saw them made the whole crowd gasp in awe
Dude can sing for real
Jordan a great musician
And they seem like genuine good people, pun intended. Very humble guys.
They really are, I’ll never forget when Jordan dropped the | part 2 mix after I spoke with him back stage
Nigga was on live and played Point Me to the Dancers for like 3 seconds
PMTD the new s***you up
See y'all in 2029 for the official release
don‘t think i have another wait like this in me
Nigga said some s*** like “yall thought I could t find it?” And then let it rock for 3 seconds then went back to playing some random trap music
Why does this matter I'm confused
no clue the post i saw was implying he‘d know sth about it but he probably just f***s with the songs
Nigga was on live and played Point Me to the Dancers for like 3 seconds
i saw that then blocked him immediately