  • Jan 21, 2022


    My theory is that this is gonna be some Metamorph 2.0 s*** that adds the Nemesis system from Shadow of Mordor.

  • Jan 21, 2022
    1 reply

    A lot of league starters can kill Sirus/Shaper/Elder-- these are mostly mechanical fights nowadays.

    If it doesn't get the nerf hammer, I would recommend Poison Concoction as your league starter this time around. Friend did it and zoomed past me up until T16 maps because the build was so fast, did a solid amount of damage, and was relatively tanky.

    I mean I could respec my LVL 81 LS into poison concoction pathfinder. It doesn’t need a weapon right?

    Or can I turn my champion into poison concoction? I can then just give my tr gear to my raider and just do some bs till next league. I’m really not playing anything other than this atm.

    I’m pretty much at a wall rn got 12exalt on me don’t know what the smartest play is

  • Jan 21, 2022

    I mean I could respec my LVL 81 LS into poison concoction pathfinder. It doesn’t need a weapon right?

    Or can I turn my champion into poison concoction? I can then just give my tr gear to my raider and just do some bs till next league. I’m really not playing anything other than this atm.

    I’m pretty much at a wall rn got 12exalt on me don’t know what the smartest play is

    Yep, you totally can respec your Raider into PF. The build is dirt-cheap since it's a common league starter, 12 exalts is definitely going to give you some mileage.

    The build is based off your health flask iirc but I'm not exactly sure on the specifics.

  • Jan 21, 2022

    when is poe2

    They announced it way too early

  • Jan 21, 2022
    1 reply

  • Jan 22, 2022

    elemental resists penetration is a huge boost for late game dps wtf

  • Jan 23, 2022

    Can't wait I love new leagues rush

  • Jan 23, 2022

    Respec into poisonous concoction was the move

  • Jan 23, 2022

    Poisonous concoction steam rolling everything but i need more damage

  • Jan 24, 2022
    1 reply


  • Jan 24, 2022


    Smart move

  • Jan 24, 2022
    1 reply

    Manifesto was... okay? Nothing crazy. Solid bow buffs, okay self-cast buffs. RIP Hydrosphere. DD and TR still great. Dumb s*** like March of the Legion and the Shade Form immortality stuff.

    Overall, pretty solid manifesto, hopefully these buffs come to realization. I think I still got trauma from 3.16's though.

  • Jan 25, 2022

    Think I might make a trapper but since Idk how to make builds I’ll wait for someone to make a league starter

  • Jan 25, 2022
    1 reply

    Manifesto was... okay? Nothing crazy. Solid bow buffs, okay self-cast buffs. RIP Hydrosphere. DD and TR still great. Dumb s*** like March of the Legion and the Shade Form immortality stuff.

    Overall, pretty solid manifesto, hopefully these buffs come to realization. I think I still got trauma from 3.16's though.

    They nerfed totems and Soul Mantle
    They didn’t buff Strike skills

  • Jan 25, 2022

    They nerfed totems and Soul Mantle
    They didn’t buff Strike skills

    Yeah, totem skills getting nerfed was crazy because they weren't that amazing in the first place recently. It's been a long time since they were "meta".

    Strike skills need a lot more than buffs, need a complete rework from the ground-up. Honestly would've even care if they got removed from the game and replaced with more meaningful melee skills.

  • Jan 26, 2022

    Damn, I think poisonous concoction might be the wave...

  • Jan 26, 2022
    2 replies


  • Jan 26, 2022
    1 reply


    Couple questions.

    Think I’m sold on starting a trapper this league. Which endgame nodes should I focus? I pretty much picked heist , delve , expedition at end of the league harvest , abyss , Alva .

    I haven’t really explored delirium besides the random encounters from maps.

    I know if I pick delve/Alva/heist I can build up my map pool pretty fast.

    I just know that this league the atlas is changing again and it’s best if I start a bossing character and my 2nd a mapper. I’m just really trying be rich asf and kill bosses with ease and not get one shot

  • Jan 26, 2022

    Couple questions.

    Think I’m sold on starting a trapper this league. Which endgame nodes should I focus? I pretty much picked heist , delve , expedition at end of the league harvest , abyss , Alva .

    I haven’t really explored delirium besides the random encounters from maps.

    I know if I pick delve/Alva/heist I can build up my map pool pretty fast.

    I just know that this league the atlas is changing again and it’s best if I start a bossing character and my 2nd a mapper. I’m just really trying be rich asf and kill bosses with ease and not get one shot

    I would follow content creators like Grimro and see what he does:

    Money-making and fast progression isn't really unique to specific builds in PoE. The key to big moneymaking in a league is from three rules:

    1. Find something early from the league mechanic that is $$$ and exploit the s*** out of it

    2. Stick to one or two moneymaking methods and optimize your play and play it as much as you can.

    3. Sit in your hideout and flip items and currency.

    Whichever league mechanics you like the most, just pick two of them and just play them a s***ton. If you're playing a trapper and you're noticing you can do Heists pretty quickly without much trouble, and you enjoy them, do a s***ton of Heists. If you think pure mapping is fun and you can do them fast and for a long period of time, do that.

    That's my two cents.

  • Jan 27, 2022

    2.5 more hours

  • Jan 27, 2022
    1 reply



  • Jan 27, 2022
    1 reply


    4 more minutes

  • Jan 27, 2022
    1 reply

    4 more minutes

    I won’t be able to watch rn

  • Jan 27, 2022

    Already took my day off next Friday u already know

  • Jan 27, 2022
    1 reply

    I won’t be able to watch rn

    S*** was nuts
