@Thorn This is about to be the best league of all time
Man my bestfriend wants me to wait for his return tomorrow before watching anything related to the league
Man my bestfriend wants me to wait for his return tomorrow before watching anything related to the league
It's a belter I'll tell u that ...
Slayer ground slam
Have fun ! Have u noticed the random melee buff for Phase Run busted
Have fun ! Have u noticed the random melee buff for Phase Run busted
No wtf I just looked it up. That s*** looks crazy
HC going well, had some close calls but we're slowly yet surely getting through. Act 5 done
Hit maps. League is cool so far and Sunder is wreckhing s*** left and right
Really enjoying it thus far
here's my char poe.ninja/builds/settlers/character/Madnae/Mephaelle?type=exp&i=1&search=skills%3DAnimate%2BWeapon%2Bof%2BSelf%2BReflection
Really enjoying it thus far
here's my char https://poe.ninja/builds/settlers/character/Madnae/Mephaelle?type=exp&i=1&search=skills%3DAnimate%2BWeapon%2Bof%2BSelf%2BReflection
My char is terrible but I'm still on the leaderboards and survivin 😎
wow i never go melee but i went slayer cyclone this league and its been pretty fun
Slayer ground slam
I went slayer cyclone and it was pretty fun. I don’t think I’m gonna do another build even though I built up a lil currency. probably done with the league for now. I actually liked the league mechanic, was interesting to me
I went slayer cyclone and it was pretty fun. I don’t think I’m gonna do another build even though I built up a lil currency. probably done with the league for now. I actually liked the league mechanic, was interesting to me
Not playing in ziz gauntlet??
Not playing in ziz gauntlet??
im actually watching his stream rn lol but no unfortunately not, i'm gonna be out of town starting tomorrow so didnt want get too invested
you playing?
im actually watching his stream rn lol but no unfortunately not, i'm gonna be out of town starting tomorrow so didnt want get too invested
you playing?
Ahhh, I hear you! I am in the same boat. I loved this league and was excited for the gauntlet reset but about to be out of town for a couple weeks… 😭
I am getting pretty hyped for poe2
I went slayer cyclone and it was pretty fun. I don’t think I’m gonna do another build even though I built up a lil currency. probably done with the league for now. I actually liked the league mechanic, was interesting to me
Cyclone is a classic but it won't ever amount to Legion Cyclone till they up the AoE
General's Cry Cyclone used to be beastly too until they nerfed it for no good reason
Ahhh, I hear you! I am in the same boat. I loved this league and was excited for the gauntlet reset but about to be out of town for a couple weeks… 😭
I am getting pretty hyped for poe2
Yeahhh same here! Not too much longer until November!
Cyclone is a classic but it won't ever amount to Legion Cyclone till they up the AoE
General's Cry Cyclone used to be beastly too until they nerfed it for no good reason
My first time going cyclone / melee in general haha. Reminds me of whirlwind from Diablo. But better lol
My first time going cyclone / melee in general haha. Reminds me of whirlwind from Diablo. But better lol
Gotta do a slam build next league Lots of keys to be pressed but it's satisfying
Gonna get back into the league soon and make a new HC char
Want to get 36 challenges this time around and 100% my Steam achievements
"Unfortunately we have some bad news. We have to delay Early Access for 3 weeks. The new date is the 6th of December."
"Unfortunately we have some bad news. We have to delay Early Access for 3 weeks. The new date is the 6th of December."
Had a business trip on OG PoE 2 EA launch
PoE 2 gets delayed to December
Rejoice so I can NEET the entire EA launch
Business trip gets delayed literally until literally the new launch
F***ing goddamnit man