Drake did a great job with this imo. I said it once and I'll say it again, if Drake was beefing with anyone but Kung Fu Kenny this song would have 1000% have been enough to seal the victory.
It's nasty, Drake's digs towards Kendrick are devilishly mean and clever (Drake fliipping the popping ass with Sexxy Redd reference on Euphoria with Whitney & Rich Baby Daddy is NASTY BUSINESS), the second beat switch having some of the best rapping of Drake's entire career, and the last beat switch is simply icing on the cake... super underrated diss track actually.
Sign ☮ The Times > Purple Rain
Yea some days i put it over PR also, i just feel PR is much tighter while Sign O The Times is kinda loose, but the looseness adds to its greatness
how the f*** he did that???
s/o @Sk8brdKee
Idk what that one sound is, sounds like an egg timer being twisted or something. Idk how neptunes came up with some of these beat ideas or made them work
this song, and the whole album really, is the definition of "how the f*** he did that?"
10/10 album
this song, and the whole album really, is the definition of "how the f*** he did that?"
how the F*** he did that
Idk what that one sound is, sounds like an egg timer being twisted or something. Idk how neptunes came up with some of these beat ideas or made them work
This is actually all P, this was when he went solo the first time.
EDIT: the sound btw is a Guiro
awkward beat with a 6/8 time signature, the main loop alternating between repeating 4 times and repeating 8 times and cam still managed to ride it to perfection
that bit meant a lot to me when i discovered it, broke open a lot of music i otherwise would have just taken in passing