Day 1 Peekaboo nation
Song is hard and fun as hell. Title track is too.
Real ones know the worst song on GNX is Man at the Garden
Day 1 Peekaboo truther gang
Peekaboo first listen classic, shoulda kept notes in the haters
the only song I don't really like that much is Gloria
It sounds nice enough I guess but the concept is overdone + the chords being Father Time again
Only ppl hating on peakaboo were ppl tryna prop up weaker tracks like gnx
And f***ing Gloria
He performed peekaboo instead of a better deep album cut which is hey now bro like cmon
the only song I don't really like that much is Gloria
It sounds nice enough I guess but the concept is overdone + the chords being Father Time again
was always a day 1 peekaboo enjoyer and was very mad when it got knocked off early in that gnx vote thread
its also one of the RARE times i would say kendrick got GOT on a song
Yeah the performance made it grow on me a bit, still the weakest song on GNX along with the title track thi
they need to apologize for GNX disrespect next
every time Hitta verse come on my face stuck on stink
they need to apologize for GNX disrespect next
every time Hitta verse come on my face stuck on stink