It’s funny that weed has always been considered more fatal than fentanyl federally and in the same d*** class as heorin then now wanna sell it back to us with worse enhancements. The game is the game I guess
It’s funny that weed has always been considered more fatal than fentanyl federally and in the same d*** class as heorin then now wanna sell it back to us with worse enhancements. The game is the game I guess
Shout out to Harry J. Anslinger
The weed made white women f*** black guys
Shout out to Harry J. Anslinger
The weed made white women f*** black guys
It’s either this or I heard there was also anger at the Mexicans working all day cause they were out there smoking weed and killing the value of a worker
It’s either this or I heard there was also anger at the Mexicans working all day cause they were out there smoking weed and killing the value of a worker
7 kilos of fent is diabolical, keep him locked up for a long time
Maybe do some research?
Actually idc if Mr Pot of Greed is personally responsible for half of opiate deaths
7 kilos of fent is diabolical, keep him locked up for a long time
Lmaooo niggas confused. We was just upset about RHQ last week. The way this s*** be going the world so small they screaming free the nigga that indirectly killed the nigga they was just crying about last week. Count Up
Lmaooo niggas confused. We was just upset about RHQ last week. The way this s*** be going the world so small they screaming free the nigga that indirectly killed the nigga they was just crying about last week. Count Up
Niggas worship getting money above all else lol. Same reason everyone loves Ralo
Lmaooo niggas confused. We was just upset about RHQ last week. The way this s*** be going the world so small they screaming free the nigga that indirectly killed the nigga they was just crying about last week. Count Up
didnt mac miller die from fent too
U have a point
Lmaooo niggas confused. We was just upset about RHQ last week. The way this s*** be going the world so small they screaming free the nigga that indirectly killed the nigga they was just crying about last week. Count Up
A Mf Would Do The Craziest S*** and Mfs in Here Would Be Screaming Free Them. Same People Would Be Fast to Play Moral Police for Likes
Push the same s*** that just took away an actual Atlanta legend
All your favorite trap rappers do that
Good thing i dont got any fav trap rappers since ‘16 at most!
yea ya'll completely burnt out with all that "free" a nigga s***. nigga laying right in the the bed he made. about to be sleeping tight and snug, good for him. should be congratulating!
Lmaooo niggas confused. We was just upset about RHQ last week. The way this s*** be going the world so small they screaming free the nigga that indirectly killed the nigga they was just crying about last week. Count Up
I mean s*** we ain’t know exactly what he got caught wit at first Im screaming free anybody locked up for weed.. but that Fenty is a different story
Peewee too damn old to still be trappin
Bruh shoulda took his money and been got outta that life