Spitting in the face of their whole bloodline all for the shallow pleasures of BABYLON
Life in prison imo
Ehh tbf it depends on the situation and how the parents were growing up. If i had s*** parents and came up, I’m not over playing my part fasho. That whole “but they’re family” thing doesn’t work on me because family will do you more dirty than a stranger on the street sometimes.
i dont care about bloodline. Were you there for me or not? Thats what its all about.
i dont care about bloodline. Were you there for me or not? Thats what its all about.
i liked every post u made on ktt remember that
i dont care about bloodline. Were you there for me or not? Thats what its all about.
Imo there's definitely a point where family doesnt deserve to be treated like family anymore, but it does matter to me
Different cultures w regards to family play a role in this too
Cultural thing. It's crazy to me just dumping your family without a second thought, but some people genuinely do not gaf as soon as they get rich. I come from a line of aunts and uncles that help out no matter what, and also another part of the family that treats everybody else, including relatives, like poor trash, so I've seen both sides.
what if the parents were abusive
I’d still throw them some bread then cut em off
Call it even for birthing and raising me
I mean you aren't wrong but context is also key
like I agree if you hit it big you should throw your parents a good amount just for raising you and taking care of you...same with anyone you had to borrow money from previously and never paid back...however lets say you have a parent who is bad with money or into gambling/drinking whatever...eventually they gonna go through it and come back asking for more so at a certain point you gotta cut em off too or you're gonna end up broke again ya damn self
you dont owe your parents s***, they chose to have you, not the other way around
if they're good people then yeah i'd help em out, if they're pieces of s*** then all the best to ya, i'll see you in Hell i guess
what if the parents were abusive
If I get $100M they each get $5M and then I'm cutting em off. Don't owe them anything else, and if they somehow start struggling again after that then it's on them.
Spitting in the face of their whole bloodline all for the shallow pleasures of BABYLON
Life in prison imo
maybe their family traumatized them and doesn’t deserve to be living lavish.