I’m prob about to but history of vaccines is shady all of them have history of causing paralysis to some
Doesn’t even mention the history of medical mistreatment towards African Americans / minorities
I’m waiting till this s*** is FDA approved .
FDA lowkey bunch of dumbasses their approval doesnt mean too much to me
streets told me the vaccines are the mark of the beast and the upcoming alien Pentagon report is a cover up for when the rapture happens soon and everyone with the vaccine don't go to heaven they gon blame it on aliens
just a thought
nope, I’m not getting vaccinated either
ik u put worse s*** in ur body crodie
ik u put worse s*** in ur body crodie
can’t get as bad as the mark of the beast tho
streets told me the vaccines are the mark of the beast and the upcoming alien Pentagon report is a cover up for when the rapture happens soon and everyone with the vaccine don't go to heaven they gon blame it on aliens
just a thought
if I get one but not both, does my top half leave or my right side of my body?
I have
My brother just got his second dose today
He ab to get f***ed up had me bed ridden for almost two days
nope, I’m not getting vaccinated either
didn't you get vaccinated as a child?
if not then no probs
didn't you get vaccinated as a child?
if not then no probs
from covid