This like the main reason i cant get on board with religion cuz like there are so many religions and everyone be equally sure that theyre right amd everyone else is wrong
Its pretty obvious that u just end up beleiving whatever your parents and society think, and that cant be the ultimate path to truth
I mean yeah theres an equal chance God is real as Zeus and Agamemnon
and we'd all be going to hell either way
All religions teach the same teachings and principles using different words and concepts
They aren't contradictory at all, they're all real
Islam is obviously the only true religion, bible was changed
Username to post got me screeching at max volume
reported for islamaphobia
Being a christian is literally racist, that religion used way too much for slavery and protect the system.that support riches and make the poor people quiet.
I can make the exact same argument on politics tho
Not really, politics isn’t (or shouldn’t) be about ‘faith’
It’s pretty clearly an argument-based field where people use statistics + policies to explain why a certain political platform would materially benefit the demographics that the platform appeals to. Religion is much more impactful on an ideological scale than politics, which is more material.
I mean, politics is also deeply ideological but very few religious beliefs are based around material improvements. The ones that are are more about making people feel good or bad about their material standing rather than advocating for changes that would impact the material conditions
With all that being said, it is true that a lot of people treat politics as faith. Which is unfortunate bc- While faith can and is often community based, faith can also be said to be much more about the individual than politics, which is NEVER operating on an individual-level
But real talk, religion is about following a proper path. Almost any intelligent religious person will tell you it’s more about structuring your life than it is about genuinely believing unproven powerful deities. It’s too deep for me to get into rn but just take a religious philosophy class or watch some YouTube lectures if you actually care.
means I am adorable
mfs really speak only 1 language and discussing religions, do u even speak latin or arabic? how u gon judge religions if u didnt read their books in original language
well depends on the religion Sikhism believes every other religion is valid also, and they all worship the same one true god, and no religion has a monopoly on the truth
reported for islamaphobia
Being a christian is literally racist, that religion used way too much for slavery and protect the system.that support riches and make the poor people quiet.
Terrible troll
Not really, politics isn’t (or shouldn’t) be about ‘faith’
It’s pretty clearly an argument-based field where people use statistics + policies to explain why a certain political platform would materially benefit the demographics that the platform appeals to. Religion is much more impactful on an ideological scale than politics, which is more material.
I mean, politics is also deeply ideological but very few religious beliefs are based around material improvements. The ones that are are more about making people feel good or bad about their material standing rather than advocating for changes that would impact the material conditions
With all that being said, it is true that a lot of people treat politics as faith. Which is unfortunate bc- While faith can and is often community based, faith can also be said to be much more about the individual than politics, which is NEVER operating on an individual-level
Not really, politics isn’t (or shouldn’t) be about ‘faith’
It’s pretty clearly an argument-based field where people use statistics + policies to explain why a certain political platform would materially benefit the demographics that the platform appeals to. Religion is much more impactful on an ideological scale than politics, which is more material.
I mean, politics is also deeply ideological but very few religious beliefs are based around material improvements. The ones that are are more about making people feel good or bad about their material standing rather than advocating for changes that would impact the material conditions
With all that being said, it is true that a lot of people treat politics as faith. Which is unfortunate bc- While faith can and is often community based, faith can also be said to be much more about the individual than politics, which is NEVER operating on an individual-level
“ Religion is much more impactful on an ideological scale than politics, which is more material.”
At least where I live people are way more political than religious and political beliefs really are a function of where you live. Also religion doesn’t require faith either it requires experience
means I am adorable
mfs really speak only 1 language and discussing religions, do u even speak latin or arabic? how u gon judge religions if u didnt read their books in original language
thought it said jesus is adorable
But either way "do u even speak latin" head ass
How im sposed to speak that dusty s*** lmao
reported for islamaphobia
Being a christian is literally racist, that religion used way too much for slavery and protect the system.that support riches and make the poor people quiet.
Criticizing christianity for it's history, practices and treatment of other people while supporting Islam
religion is misunderstood nowadays, its really just meant to teach good values
it shouldnt be taken too seriously, dont get sucked into it, but also dont hate on it
“ Religion is much more impactful on an ideological scale than politics, which is more material.”
At least where I live people are way more political than religious and political beliefs really are a function of where you live. Also religion doesn’t require faith either it requires experience
Religion doesnt require faith?
This is just ignorant bro.
We even call it "faith"
It requires u to believe something that by its very nature u cannot know