For me it's multiple reasons:
Sometimes I lose hope but I gotta keep my head up and my time will eventually come I'm sure
I'm ugly and I'm so antisocial I can barely form sentences around other people including family and I prefer just being to myself
jus didn't care. plus not being pmf
You don’t gotta be a pmf to get laid
White people hates the pro black dude and would change any girl i got with to like light skin cousins i have to claim because of my momma will steal my girl.
I believe in you virgins
You will prosper
what if we're ok with being virgins
what if we're ok with being virgins
you can keep telling yourself that I guess
Have you posted in the pics thread
No but I did on the old ktt and somebody said I look like Damon Wayans
Idk when I had the chance I was a prude, but I have no social life so no other opportunity’s have came up
i had a few chances. most the time i liked to cuddle. or i fap so often that i dont have enough testosterone to care
You don’t gotta be a pmf to get laid
I understand that but if you don't show interest in s***the only way you will get it is if you're attractive
im on the spectrum
@6isco how do you manage to still be a virgin bro?
"I've read many stories from normies who lost their virginity at 23 or older and everyone has said that's it's pointless"
yeah man you read stories