Posting someone’s past thread as a gotcha should be frowned upon on this site
Well thats why ppl hide their threads cause its annoying and embarrassing when it happens you just answered your own question
Well thats why ppl hide their threads cause its annoying and embarrassing when it happens you just answered your own question
Nah I’m saying we should s*** on people who do that and people would maybe stop hiding their threads. It’s been a couple times where I was interested in finding someone’s past thread and I go to their page and it’s private and the search function on ktt is awful so it’s just annoying
Real p**** behavior tbh
word my instagram pics be getting 7 likes but I never hide the number I just let me nuts hang these fools be scared
I wasn’t hiding my threads from the world I was hiding the world from my threads
This is the realest answer no cap lol
"this u?" became too powerful
you'd be in music sxn joking & someone would link ur thread venting abt getting evicted
"this u?" became too powerful
you'd be in music sxn joking & someone would link ur thread venting abt getting evicted
That’s some reddit s***
"this u?" became too powerful
you'd be in music sxn joking & someone would link ur thread venting abt getting evicted
i ain't give no nigga on this site that power over me lol
This same behavior is why there's hardly any classic threads anymore either.
Back in the day people would share some heinously embarrassing s*** and people weren't rushing to try and "expose" them the moment they said something triggering.
They'd get ripped on in the thread and then that'd be it lol.
It's really just strawman behavior. Like that guy that loses an argument and then starts personally insulting you.
When friendly banter becomes a battle of low blows.
I can immediately tell that someone was the weird kid in high school when they can’t handle friendly banter
I can immediately tell that someone was the weird kid in high school when they can’t handle friendly banter
this ain't Christ like
"this u?" became too powerful
you'd be in music sxn joking & someone would link ur thread venting abt getting evicted
niggas act like its a crime when this happen but we all know it be funny asf
It’s funny people will be upset when someone posts their threads to invalidate their opinion but will also do it another user by bringing up the year they registered.