Show me a smart antivaxxer
I've never met an antivaxxer online or irl who wasn't absolutely batshit and made being against the vaccine their entire personality
For you to know someone didn’t take the vax probably means they were going around saying that to start arguments and s*** lol. Maybe I’ll agree to someone who loudly proclaims themselves to be anti vax of a personality type but to say they’re all unintelligent is kind of wild lol
It’s who knows how many people of all backgrounds, intelligence levels, political beliefs and personality types who probably didn’t get the shot to where this just likely isn’t true lol
Thinking like this only turns you into the polar opposite version of whatever you don’t like about “the other side”
humans be dumb and acting like they so smart until the next batch 100 years down the line thinks they're dumb and they're so smart until the net batch 100 years down the line thinks they're dumb and they're so smart
according to the study of deez nuts
If you could but didn’t get the vaccine you are fully responsible for the bad stuff going on in the world right now. Stop jumping all these bridges to motivate your decision, half of the planet got it and didn’t grow horns overnight. You are just selfish and egotistical and don’t want to potentially, so so so slightly risk yourself for the benefit of others, and no one will feel any sympathy or regret for you when the consequences of your decisions hit you like a full blown tsunami
Show me a smart antivaxxer
I've never met an antivaxxer online or irl who wasn't absolutely batshit and made being against the vaccine their entire personality
Making the vaccine apart of their personality is not exclusive to anti vaxxers. The same people who are so loudly pro-vax are usually as dumb as the ones who are so loudly anti vax. Most normal people don’t even talk about whether or not they got the shot unless they’re virtue signaling (which is a sign of lower IQ btw) for their respective side.
The decision to get a shot is not an indicator of intelligence
If you could but didn’t get the vaccine you are fully responsible for the bad stuff going on in the world right now. Stop jumping all these bridges to motivate your decision, half of the planet got it and didn’t grow horns overnight. You are just selfish and egotistical and don’t want to potentially, so so so slightly risk yourself for the benefit of others, and no one will feel any sympathy or regret for you when the consequences of your decisions hit you like a full blown tsunami
Makes sense that anti vaxxers are s***ty, selfish drivers
My boss gloats about being unvaccinated everyday
Friend of mine failed his driver's test 7 times. Then he got vaccinated. Aced the test on his 8th try.
on god fr
op prob getting mind controlled by bill gates to make this a thing again. Covid doesnt really exists anymore. RIP who are dying rn but it is what it is.
F*** 5G n illuminati
on god fr
op prob getting mind controlled by bill gates to make this a thing again. Covid doesnt really exists anymore. RIP who are dying rn but it is what it is.
F*** 5G n illuminati
I'd love to see the actually method they used to find this lmao cause it seems like a reach
Show me a smart antivaxxer
I've never met an antivaxxer online or irl who wasn't absolutely batshit and made being against the vaccine their entire personality
It sounds like you were just arguing with people over the internet lmao. A lot of people didn't want to take it and just kept it lowkey. Whether you took the vaccine or not isn't indicative of intelligence. Both sides think they're the smart ones lmao.