i’ll go first, the jerk offs that get right up my ass on the road even though i’m already above the speed limit! f*** off!
People who leave their carts in the parking lot
Cartpocalypse Now am i right
You idiots who ride peoples ass while being on your phone are quite literally cruisin for a bruising. Your days are numbered
People with no spatial awareness in the grocery store
@HFM @Ignance_ @Jay_Cutler @Kabel @LVL @Mitch_Baker
@ANTI @no_chance @Ok @pussy_bacon @Quinnb13 @Ro_Jo @scott @Tidda @ultra @vlone @Cosmic_Warrior @Dxtr @Emperor_Penguin @Freeee @wokeup ed @Xile44 @YDB @ZCH @Bo_Ceephus @gay4frank
The one in op but when they switch lanes and jump ahead of u in the same sequence I’m always like
anyone who does so much as change playlist on their phone while driving let alone send a message
eyes on the road you knuckle dragging troglodytes
🧍🏻♂️id dodge it