It's basically just a scientifically inferior version of the big five personality test
I just did some research on the ocean test, while I do think that it may be more scientific, I think that the MBTI helps find other like-minded people easier?
i was a mediator
It's basically just a scientifically inferior version of the big five personality test
INFJ boyz what’s happening
Not to rain on the parade by the Myers-Briggs personality thing isn't scientifically true. The OCEAN model of personality is what you're supposed to use. It measures openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism
none of these tests are 'scientifically true' lol
these are just horoscopes for people who don't have s**
none of these tests are 'scientifically true' lol
these are just horoscopes for people who don't have s**
Meyer Briggs (This test basically) gets used in a lot big companies to evaluate people
Lot of it tends to be spot on and pretty specific not just random general s*** like horoscopes