I was one of the fans that disowned Ye for wifing her. Began tolerating them because Ye was serious. He ain’t there no more so it’s just back to regularly scheduled programming for me. It’s Pre-Ye and Post-Ye in my book.
Can’t speak for others itt.
I never straight up disowned being a Kanye fan but I was just like "eh whatever" lol but tbh I don't even fully blame Kim for the way that family acts, their mom is literally their manager, like I remember someone on here unearthed a video of Kim admitting that Kris tried to convince her to pose for Playboy or some s***
I never straight up disowned being a Kanye fan but I was just like "eh whatever" lol but tbh I don't even fully blame Kim for the way that family acts, their mom is literally their manager, like I remember someone on here unearthed a video of Kim admitting that Kris tried to convince her to pose for Playboy or some s***
Na I was legit tight but it didn’t last too long lmao. Amber at least was a diamond in the rough freaky white joint so I rocked wit her more.
Idk who to blame because I don’t know them personally but I do see the same playbook being ran on the kids which is ridiculous.
Na I was legit tight but it didn’t last too long lmao. Amber at least was a diamond in the rough freaky white joint so I rocked wit her more.
Idk who to blame because I don’t know them personally but I do see the same playbook being ran on the kids which is ridiculous.
I mean just the fact that Kyle was like a teenager or barely legal adult with a whole make up line and all this other s*** just makes me feel like Kris gotta do with the branding somehow, s*** is insane
This is weird as hell on so many levels
Never f***ed with this nigga, i hope kanye encounters him one day and gives him his deserved kick on the nuts
Like how the hell u do this, and even worse is that they only been some months together
she wore marilyn monroes dress and she fit in.... she practically starved herself in the leadup to fit in it but people are saying she got her ass deflated
probably more due to the weight loss though
she wore marilyn monroes dress and she fit in.... she practically starved herself in the leadup to fit in it but people are saying she got her ass deflated
probably more due to the weight loss though
Ngl if she really got rid of her ass after getting with a white man I’m dead
this isn’t true. Kim does do work and the 2 lawyers she works with most frequently are white
I’m starting to think deep down you’re a stan. Here have some Met Gala pics so you don’t have to search for them like I know you will
Damn Elon really trying to become the villain this week
brazy af, his whole swag different after that kardashian p****
Let me find the post now because y'all said I was reaching.
Let me find the post now because y'all said I was reaching.
The Mrs. Doubtfire joke got leaked and we spoke about it here
The Mrs. Doubtfire joke got leaked and we spoke about it here
I can't remember if it was this thread or the beginning of another thread, but I said from the jump that Pete is going to wait until his next standup special to talk about it, the same way he talked about Arianna Grande... and I was right.
also funny. skit shows how silly ye is. puts harlow on a record when he seems to be buddies with skete yet throws cudi under the bus. mustve been something really going on there deeper than what we know.