  • Aug 9, 2022

    Ye still not done anything worse than this tbh idk why he got trauma


    bruh that’s wild

  • Aug 9, 2022

    Ye still not done anything worse than this tbh idk why he got trauma



  • Aug 9, 2022

    Ye still not done anything worse than this tbh idk why he got trauma



  • Aug 9, 2022
    fashion killa

    imagine ur Pete tho and like there are legit millions of people s***ting on u literally daily for getting with a really famous really hot chick. I mean if ur Pete are u rlly gonna dub Kim Kardashian on the off chance that this might upset some people? It's not like we can say "he shoulda known better, he signed up for this".

    Everything you do, everywhere you go, people are talking about you, and it's almost never in a good way. One of your favorite artists, and someone you thought might have been kinda your friend is constantly making weird threats and hating on you out of bitter jealousy, not to mention depicting himself killing you in his music videos.

    There are millions of people who refuse to use your real name and only refer to you by an insulting nickname. They celebrate your every misstep and s*** on you every chance they get, and it's not because of anything you did, it's just because of the girl ur dating.

    Most days, it feels like the entire world hates you. On top of it all, your good friend Cudi (who has nothing at all to do with your situation) is now also getting huge amounts of hate for just associating with you, to a degree where he's getting booed off stage, s*** thrown at him, etc.

    Is it really that difficult to see how this might impact a person's mental health in a bad way? You don't see how this might be pretty stressful? Especially to someone who's brain is already chemically imbalanced?

    Yeah but think imagine ur Pete tho and like there are legit millions of people s***ting on u literally daily for getting with a really famous really hot chick. I mean if ur Pete are u rlly gonna dub Kim Kardashian on the off chance that this might upset some people? It's not like we can say "he shoulda known better, he signed up for this".

    Everything you do, everywhere you go, people are talking about you, and it's almost never in a good way. One of your favorite artists, and someone you thought might have been kinda your friend is constantly making weird threats and hating on you out of bitter jealousy, not to mention depicting himself killing you in his music videos.

    There are millions of people who refuse to use your real name and only refer to you by an insulting nickname. They celebrate your every misstep and s*** on you every chance they get, and it's not because of anything you did, it's just because of the girl ur dating.

    Most days, it feels like the entire world hates you. On top of it all, your good friend Cudi (who has nothing at all to do with your situation) is now also getting huge amounts of hate for just associating with you, to a degree where he's getting booed off stage, s*** thrown at him, etc.

    Is it really that difficult to see how this might impact a person's mental health in a bad way? You don't see how this might be pretty stressful? Especially to someone who's brain is already chemically imbalanced?

  • Aug 9, 2022

    Can’t handle the smoke

  • Aug 9, 2022

    Pete Davidson’s 15 minutes of fame are up

  • Aug 9, 2022

    Who Pete's next acquisition

  • Aug 9, 2022

    People itt defending Sketer is the definition of white privilege.

    Homie literally tatted kids that’s not his names on his neck to antagonize another man. He literally went on staged paparazzi walks with children that are not his.

    Even slightly comparing social media posts to that is wild. Sketer got off light and so did Kim. Try that s*** in real life. I dare you. That eulogy might just be real and not a IG post.


  • Aug 9, 2022

    should've been him not Mac tbf

  • Aug 9, 2022

    Can we all agree this has more to do with him realizing he’s been played rather than Kanye

  • Aug 9, 2022
    1 reply

    I like Pete but this is PR bullshit. Pathetic.

  • Aug 9, 2022
    1 reply
    fashion killa

    imagine ur Pete tho and like there are legit millions of people s***ting on u literally daily for getting with a really famous really hot chick. I mean if ur Pete are u rlly gonna dub Kim Kardashian on the off chance that this might upset some people? It's not like we can say "he shoulda known better, he signed up for this".

    Everything you do, everywhere you go, people are talking about you, and it's almost never in a good way. One of your favorite artists, and someone you thought might have been kinda your friend is constantly making weird threats and hating on you out of bitter jealousy, not to mention depicting himself killing you in his music videos.

    There are millions of people who refuse to use your real name and only refer to you by an insulting nickname. They celebrate your every misstep and s*** on you every chance they get, and it's not because of anything you did, it's just because of the girl ur dating.

    Most days, it feels like the entire world hates you. On top of it all, your good friend Cudi (who has nothing at all to do with your situation) is now also getting huge amounts of hate for just associating with you, to a degree where he's getting booed off stage, s*** thrown at him, etc.

    Is it really that difficult to see how this might impact a person's mental health in a bad way? You don't see how this might be pretty stressful? Especially to someone who's brain is already chemically imbalanced?

    Ain’t he instigate Mac Miller relapse when he got back with Ariana?

  • Aug 9, 2022

    People itt defending Sketer is the definition of white privilege.

    Homie literally tatted kids that’s not his names on his neck to antagonize another man. He literally went on staged paparazzi walks with children that are not his.

    Even slightly comparing social media posts to that is wild. Sketer got off light and so did Kim. Try that s*** in real life. I dare you. That eulogy might just be real and not a IG post.

    Skete’s a f***ing piece of s***.

    Can’t believe mfs on this site ride his meat like this

    Like it’s Skete Davidson

  • Aug 9, 2022

    Discussing how you want to rape a baby isn't a joke bro


  • Aug 9, 2022
    1 reply

    If Kanye made these same jokes

    They would use that against him

    I think Kanye Instagram is joke account too lol

    True but I wouldn’t. Well it just all depends on context and actual execution. You can joke about anything and it can be funny or unfunny but you can’t punish someone for trying, it’s part of the comedic process. Let people bomb in peace

  • Aug 9, 2022

    People itt defending Sketer is the definition of white privilege.

    Homie literally tatted kids that’s not his names on his neck to antagonize another man. He literally went on staged paparazzi walks with children that are not his.

    Even slightly comparing social media posts to that is wild. Sketer got off light and so did Kim. Try that s*** in real life. I dare you. That eulogy might just be real and not a IG post.


  • FREE 💜
    Aug 9, 2022
    2 replies

    True but I wouldn’t. Well it just all depends on context and actual execution. You can joke about anything and it can be funny or unfunny but you can’t punish someone for trying, it’s part of the comedic process. Let people bomb in peace

    Comedians think they saving the world "let people bomb in peace" man you don't get a pass just for being an artist

  • FREE 💜
    Aug 9, 2022

    Comedians gotta be the softest people on the planet

  • Aug 9, 2022

    Both losers for losing Kim’s p****

  • Aug 9, 2022
    1 reply

    i think we could find worse pete davidson toxic jokes. In fact, it wouldn’t even take a half hour

    i don’t endorse Ye’s antics

    But i think it’s odd that companies let Ye post on social media knowing his impulse & previous past record.

    If it’s abhorrent behaviour, start banning him.

    But remember to sweep everyone. Not just Boosie & Ye. Pick up Wack 100 & we know the rest. 😒

    let ye post on social media?

    youre ret.tarded


  • Aug 9, 2022

    If Pete really tried propose that mans is prob even more off his rocker than Kanye

  • Aug 9, 2022

    oh they are f***ing livid

    pr machine in overdrive

    4k twitter follower website nobodies looking for clicks lol

  • Aug 9, 2022

    probably a complete lie tbh

  • Tubig 🌊
    Aug 9, 2022
    1 reply

    let ye post on social media?

    youre ret.tarded


    nah delete that
