  • Aug 9, 2022

    best 2words post in a while

    My first good one in a while

  • Aug 9, 2022
    1 reply

    Hell nah f*** that bozo. Especially after Mac

    especially after Mac??? tf??

    u just saying s*** lol Pete never did nothing to Mac

  • Aug 9, 2022

    Speaking of publicity stunts, Ye needs to get put in a publicity hospital

    Like a god damn clout rehabilitation facility

  • Aug 9, 2022

    ur telling me paying a team of people to animate you holding ur ex's new boyfriend's decapitated head as part of a weird murder-revenge fantasy isn't going hard?

  • Aug 9, 2022
    1 reply
    fashion killa

    especially after Mac??? tf??

    u just saying s*** lol Pete never did nothing to Mac

    The info out there is that Pete sent Mac pics of him f***ing ari right after their break up

  • Aug 9, 2022
    2 replies

    The info out there is that Pete sent Mac pics of him f***ing ari right after their break up

    no it isn't

    that s***'s complete gossip, was never even shred of evidence

    and not to mention Ariana's brother said it was cap too

  • Aug 9, 2022
    1 reply
    fashion killa

    no it isn't

    that s***'s complete gossip, was never even shred of evidence

    and not to mention Ariana's brother said it was cap too

    I don’t know about the validity I’m just saying what the info is. Ari’s brother might have a small incentive to cap on that matter but idk if true or not. That’s what the person you quoted meant tho

  • Aug 9, 2022
    1 reply

    I don’t know about the validity I’m just saying what the info is. Ari’s brother might have a small incentive to cap on that matter but idk if true or not. That’s what the person you quoted meant tho

    I know that there was a rumor I meant that repeating completely baseless (and really f***ed up) rumors is some bullshit.

    Pete never did nothing to Mac, and acting like he did is really s***ty. honestly gross asf, spreading f***ed up ass rumors just cus blind stannery

  • Aug 9, 2022
    2 replies
    fashion killa

    imagine ur Pete tho and like there are legit millions of people s***ting on u literally daily for getting with a really famous really hot chick. I mean if ur Pete are u rlly gonna dub Kim Kardashian on the off chance that this might upset some people? It's not like we can say "he shoulda known better, he signed up for this".

    Everything you do, everywhere you go, people are talking about you, and it's almost never in a good way. One of your favorite artists, and someone you thought might have been kinda your friend is constantly making weird threats and hating on you out of bitter jealousy, not to mention depicting himself killing you in his music videos.

    There are millions of people who refuse to use your real name and only refer to you by an insulting nickname. They celebrate your every misstep and s*** on you every chance they get, and it's not because of anything you did, it's just because of the girl ur dating.

    Most days, it feels like the entire world hates you. On top of it all, your good friend Cudi (who has nothing at all to do with your situation) is now also getting huge amounts of hate for just associating with you, to a degree where he's getting booed off stage, s*** thrown at him, etc.

    Is it really that difficult to see how this might impact a person's mental health in a bad way? You don't see how this might be pretty stressful? Especially to someone who's brain is already chemically imbalanced?

    Bro hes a comedian

    He off all ppl should be ready for this

    Mans was out here making jokes about ye dead mom man , insert make ye 2006 again pic here:

  • Aug 9, 2022
    2 replies

    yeah Ye been a whole a****** about this situation but let's not act like Pete is entirely innocent of antagonizing the dude

    he pretty much is though

    there's not been a single thing Pete's done to Kanye that counts as antagonizing

  • Aug 9, 2022
    1 reply

    Bro hes a comedian

    He off all ppl should be ready for this

    Mans was out here making jokes about ye dead mom man , insert make ye 2006 again pic here:

    That and the text to ye about being in kims bed

    Fair game after that

  • fashion killa

    he pretty much is though

    there's not been a single thing Pete's done to Kanye that counts as antagonizing


  • Aug 9, 2022


  • Aug 9, 2022
    1 reply
    fashion killa

    I know that there was a rumor I meant that repeating completely baseless (and really f***ed up) rumors is some bullshit.

    Pete never did nothing to Mac, and acting like he did is really s***ty. honestly gross asf, spreading f***ed up ass rumors just cus blind stannery

    Ehhhhhhhhhhhh most ye stans have me blocked because I’m too critical of him but nah I think Pete probably did taunt Mac in some way considering the way he behaved in the Ye situation tatting his kids. I’m not talking on some Stan s*** but Pete probably violated/cucked Mac in a similar way that he did ye

    But this the ye sxn and Pete has mental health so nothing he does really matters, he’s struggling so it’s ok

  • Aug 9, 2022

    Bro hes a comedian

    He off all ppl should be ready for this

    Mans was out here making jokes about ye dead mom man , insert make ye 2006 again pic here:

    whats ur point

    that because he's a comedian he should somehow just become immune to s*** like this? are u slow?

    human beings don't work like that. I think you know that too, but don't want to admit that ur fav has been kind of a huge a****** to Pete here.

  • Aug 9, 2022

    That and the text to ye about being in kims bed

    Fair game after that

    This is a very good point and post as far as this joke

    If the beef really did affect Pete it was probably more the attention that it brought or maybe something else ye said that wasn’t very joking. Cause I don’t think this thing specifically was it

  • Aug 9, 2022
    1 reply

    Ehhhhhhhhhhhh most ye stans have me blocked because I’m too critical of him but nah I think Pete probably did taunt Mac in some way considering the way he behaved in the Ye situation tatting his kids. I’m not talking on some Stan s*** but Pete probably violated/cucked Mac in a similar way that he did ye

    But this the ye sxn and Pete has mental health so nothing he does really matters, he’s struggling so it’s ok

    highly highly doubt that

    remember that the pic of him w Kim came after Pete tried reaching out to Ye to talk s*** out peaceful and was only met with Kanye acting like a total d***head.

    I really don't get the outrage over him getting the tattoo either. Like obviously that's not directed at Kanye. Not everything Pete does is a Kanye thing, sometimes its just s*** he does for Kim, or for Kim's kids. I think that's completely reasonable to assume.

    It's pretty obvious Pete wanted no part in this feud w Kanye and wanted no hard feelings, I really doubt he would be going around taunting Mac Miller.

  • Aug 9, 2022
    1 reply

    skete crying about bullying man 💀😂😂

    His whole comedy is making fun off non libs man, but thats ok i guess, if u out here clowing ppl u better be ready for that energy to come back at you

  • Aug 9, 2022
    1 reply
    fashion killa

    highly highly doubt that

    remember that the pic of him w Kim came after Pete tried reaching out to Ye to talk s*** out peaceful and was only met with Kanye acting like a total d***head.

    I really don't get the outrage over him getting the tattoo either. Like obviously that's not directed at Kanye. Not everything Pete does is a Kanye thing, sometimes its just s*** he does for Kim, or for Kim's kids. I think that's completely reasonable to assume.

    It's pretty obvious Pete wanted no part in this feud w Kanye and wanted no hard feelings, I really doubt he would be going around taunting Mac Miller.

    Fair points again, I feel like we’re probably on the same page and you’re one of the more sane people on this matter

    I still get the slight feeling that Pete kind of throwing rock and hiding his hand in these situations tbh but as far as the ye thing specifically I think ye is more wrong

  • Aug 9, 2022
    1 reply

    skete crying about bullying man 💀😂😂

    His whole comedy is making fun off non libs man, but thats ok i guess, if u out here clowing ppl u better be ready for that energy to come back at you

    have u ever watched his comedy man

    90% of that s*** is self deprecating humor. pretentious political jokes is like 1% of his material, I mean come on man.

  • Aug 9, 2022
    1 reply

    Fair points again, I feel like we’re probably on the same page and you’re one of the more sane people on this matter

    I still get the slight feeling that Pete kind of throwing rock and hiding his hand in these situations tbh but as far as the ye thing specifically I think ye is more wrong

    nah I think its very clear Pete didn't start s*** and tried desperately to avoid it from continuing.

    I also think its really f***ed for Kanye to basically weaponize his army of delusional stans against Pete for what, getting with his ex-wife?

    I mean once she's divorced you brother, it's over. Kanye doesn't have some inherent right to Kim now, not unless you don't believe in a woman's right to divorce her husband, and obviously he couldn't accept that. Which is pretty f***ed. But what's even more f***ed is then focusing the energy not on the woman who you perceive to be """""""""cheating"""""""""" on you but almost entirely on the random guy she chose to get with.

  • Aug 9, 2022
    2 replies
    fashion killa

    have u ever watched his comedy man

    90% of that s*** is self deprecating humor. pretentious political jokes is like 1% of his material, I mean come on man.

    I saw some snl skits

    So his humour is s***ting on himself??? Lmaoooooo pls say it aint so

  • Aug 9, 2022
    2 replies
    fashion killa

    imagine ur Pete tho and like there are legit millions of people s***ting on u literally daily for getting with a really famous really hot chick. I mean if ur Pete are u rlly gonna dub Kim Kardashian on the off chance that this might upset some people? It's not like we can say "he shoulda known better, he signed up for this".

    Everything you do, everywhere you go, people are talking about you, and it's almost never in a good way. One of your favorite artists, and someone you thought might have been kinda your friend is constantly making weird threats and hating on you out of bitter jealousy, not to mention depicting himself killing you in his music videos.

    There are millions of people who refuse to use your real name and only refer to you by an insulting nickname. They celebrate your every misstep and s*** on you every chance they get, and it's not because of anything you did, it's just because of the girl ur dating.

    Most days, it feels like the entire world hates you. On top of it all, your good friend Cudi (who has nothing at all to do with your situation) is now also getting huge amounts of hate for just associating with you, to a degree where he's getting booed off stage, s*** thrown at him, etc.

    Is it really that difficult to see how this might impact a person's mental health in a bad way? You don't see how this might be pretty stressful? Especially to someone who's brain is already chemically imbalanced?

    Love how you conveniently forgot to mention that that someone who you thought was kinda your friend is the same guy whose ex wife you're currently sleeping with, and is a guy you made fun of on national TV.

    I don't know about you, but if you're kinda my friend, I ain't publicly making fun of you or smashing your ex.
