i do feel like with any horror media (game or movie or anything) there is a part where u need to let urself be fully immersed in it (besides the obvious jumpscares)
but i dont think jumpscares are scary, its scary when u dont even wanna move in game bc ur so scared something might pop not realizing u could simply turn it off
There was never any fear factor to begin with. Playing any horror games to actually get scared is always a mistake because games aren’t scary lol
So many people say games aren’t scary am I’m just bewildered by it
I literally can’t play horror games, And I love horror media. Movies don’t really phase me at all, they’re just fun. But games? Bro I cannot take them. I think it’s the fact that I’m easily immersed and I’m also the one in control. With movies, you’re just watching someone else. With games, the monster is chasing YOU. I can’t stand being chased or having something run up on me in a game
Just got it on ps5.
Super fun
find cursed object very funny moments when that happens
i used to play this so much but icl after the level reset i just can't get into it again... i'm now level 40 or so but the progression feels so slow and i'm only now just unlocking the same s*** i already had before the reset
i have a couple hundred hours of playtime of this back when it was in beta, have such good memories of it 🥲
i used to play this so much but icl after the level reset i just can't get into it again... i'm now level 40 or so but the progression feels so slow and i'm only now just unlocking the same s*** i already had before the reset
for me it was the higher difficulty and they changed a lot i just couldn’t be bothered learning everything again lol