i just need dark lo to be careful even though hes free right now i think hes facing up to 9 years as well obh is a good group of rappers an represent philly good next to beanie did with state property free ar-ab though
lol maybe i have been listening to a few tracks by him he does say a little to much sometimes
Free Ar-Ab free Dark Lo
That informant got them both jammed up crazy
dark lo is not free or is he?
Free Ar-Ab free Dark Lo
That informant got them both jammed up crazy
he did them dirty dark lo wanted to do something to him he said it on a track an he got f***ed over because of it also he also had something to do with tampering issues
lol every1 post there life on ig thats why
dude made classics
!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEatBRI_XTw!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCVoocTskhs!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AoDVaIiM_jMdark lo has classics to