  • Sep 12, 2023
    1 reply
    Skinn Foley

    I believe in that force too. That's why I'm agnostic.

    I think it's personally a bit arrogant to believe human perception can explain everything around, or above, us, but I'm just not confident enough in any one religion's explanations to really subscribe to it wholesale.

    I also just personally cannot believe consciousness come out of nowhere even if I think it's a purely physical phenomenon lol. Ain't no accident and idc what anyone has to say about it

    Check out Donald Hoffman

  • Sep 12, 2023
    1 reply

    Check out Donald Hoffman

    Any recs you have specifically?

  • Sep 12, 2023
    1 reply
    Smacked Voodoo

    Reading Meditations. Gotta say I'm surprised that I've pretty much been living my life similarly to many of the concepts and ideals of stoicism presented throughout the book(s). Just without the headassery.

    Oh yeah and the Penguin Classics print of the book ISBN: 978-0-140-44933-4 is honestly pretty trash. Like at some moments its written very, I guess "proper" for lack of a better word. But then out of nowhere it throws in sentences that are way too modernized and its as if some high schooler wrote the s***.

    Now I know this goes against the very first few things that Aurelius talks about in Book I in regards to not leaping onto mistakes on people's errors in vocabulary, syntax, and expression. But it gets to be such a jarring shift at times.

  • Sep 12, 2023
    1 reply
    Skinn Foley

    Any recs you have specifically?

    I haven't watched the Fridman one and don't like the guy but its 6 hours so probably some good stuff in there

  • Sep 12, 2023

    in i love philosophy

  • Sep 12, 2023

    I haven't watched the Fridman one and don't like the guy but its 6 hours so probably some good stuff in there

    Gonna peep in 30 minute intervals

  • Sep 12, 2023
    3 replies

    its crazy how I did not appreciate my uni professors who were teaching us historical materialism and marxist thought and tried to tell us that post modernism is garbage in the environment that would normally be hostile to any such approaches. my mates would always tell me about this chief philosophy prof in our uni and he was a staunch communist, too bad I never had a chance to see him

    I remember studying for my philosophy exam and having to go back a lot and one of the first things that we were taught was something from Lenin on materialism and idealism. dont remember what it was exactly but it was the first time I read one of those 'philosophy hacks' and it was so clear and made sense that I had that part of the exam down in no time

    iā€™m 95% sure the book ur reffering to is empirio-crticism where Lenin basically states the history of philosophy can be summed up by a battle of two viewpoints materialism and idealism. Also with scathing critiques of Bogdanov and others in the bolshievks new theories being essentially neo-kantian. always found it funny that Karl Popper (šŸ¤¢) really liked empiro-criticism

  • Sep 12, 2023
    1 reply

    iā€™m 95% sure the book ur reffering to is empirio-crticism where Lenin basically states the history of philosophy can be summed up by a battle of two viewpoints materialism and idealism. Also with scathing critiques of Bogdanov and others in the bolshievks new theories being essentially neo-kantian. always found it funny that Karl Popper (šŸ¤¢) really liked empiro-criticism

    What's wrong with Popper

    Also please provide your favorite sonic youth record

  • Sep 12, 2023
    1 reply

    iā€™m 95% sure the book ur reffering to is empirio-crticism where Lenin basically states the history of philosophy can be summed up by a battle of two viewpoints materialism and idealism. Also with scathing critiques of Bogdanov and others in the bolshievks new theories being essentially neo-kantian. always found it funny that Karl Popper (šŸ¤¢) really liked empiro-criticism

    That book is like hit-or-miss because Lenin starts diving into like proto-Lysenkoism in parts of the book wrt applying diamat/hismat to scientific observation lol.

  • Sep 12, 2023
    1 reply

    What's wrong with Popper

    Also please provide your favorite sonic youth record

    just a gut political reaction to his ideas tolerance of intolerance thing and scientific theory having to be falseable havenā€™t interacted with his work outside of lectures in uni so i donā€™t really got a in-depth critique of him personally

    either sister, sonic nurse or the whitey album are my top three in no order

  • Smacked Voodoo

    Oh yeah and the Penguin Classics print of the book ISBN: 978-0-140-44933-4 is honestly pretty trash. Like at some moments its written very, I guess "proper" for lack of a better word. But then out of nowhere it throws in sentences that are way too modernized and its as if some high schooler wrote the s***.

    Now I know this goes against the very first few things that Aurelius talks about in Book I in regards to not leaping onto mistakes on people's errors in vocabulary, syntax, and expression. But it gets to be such a jarring shift at times.

    I think this one:
    ISBN-10 ā€ : ā€Ž 9780812968255
    is the best translation of the book

  • Sep 12, 2023
    1 reply

    Anyone find classical philosophy kind of boring to read? Itā€™s just too full of cliches and generalities for me to really excite me or anything. This is by the way not a critique in any way on those works as these works made the cliches and generalities and laid the foundation for the rest of philosophy, but I donā€™t get many new insights from the works of Plato, Aristotle, Marcus Aurelius or old Eastern philosophers. Am I alone in this or?

    I don't have this with philosophy books just because I haven't read enough, but I've definitely noticed this with stuff like The Art of War

  • Sep 12, 2023
    1 reply
    Skinn Foley

    That book is like hit-or-miss because Lenin starts diving into like proto-Lysenkoism in parts of the book wrt applying diamat/hismat to scientific observation lol.

    you talking about the dialectics of nature? thatā€™s been a thing with Engels and i would say even Marx would approve it cause iā€™m pretty sure Marx ghost wrote a section in anti-duhring where it came from. Not gonna defend Lusenkoism cause that was frankly ed, but thereā€™s stuff like epigenetics where dialectics of nature can find validation. personally i donā€™t really got an opinion on the Dialectics of Nature where the dialectic process is intrinsic to the world we live or just how humans make sense of phenomena they experience

  • Sep 12, 2023
    1 reply

    just a gut political reaction to his ideas tolerance of intolerance thing and scientific theory having to be falseable havenā€™t interacted with his work outside of lectures in uni so i donā€™t really got a in-depth critique of him personally

    either sister, sonic nurse or the whitey album are my top three in no order

    Had no idea about Ciccone Youth gonna listen rn

    Sister is great, I'd say DN and WM are my favs

  • Sep 12, 2023

    you talking about the dialectics of nature? thatā€™s been a thing with Engels and i would say even Marx would approve it cause iā€™m pretty sure Marx ghost wrote a section in anti-duhring where it came from. Not gonna defend Lusenkoism cause that was frankly ed, but thereā€™s stuff like epigenetics where dialectics of nature can find validation. personally i donā€™t really got an opinion on the Dialectics of Nature where the dialectic process is intrinsic to the world we live or just how humans make sense of phenomena they experience

    Dialectics of Nature is awesome if you don't get too carried away with it. I think the flaw with how some folks apply diamat/hismat to science is they use the methodological framework of either a***ysis as it relates to the human social experience to define biological processes, which doesn't add up neatly lmao

  • Sep 12, 2023
    4 replies

    iā€™m 95% sure the book ur reffering to is empirio-crticism where Lenin basically states the history of philosophy can be summed up by a battle of two viewpoints materialism and idealism. Also with scathing critiques of Bogdanov and others in the bolshievks new theories being essentially neo-kantian. always found it funny that Karl Popper (šŸ¤¢) really liked empiro-criticism

    ā€Lenin basically states the history of philosophy can be summed up by a battle of two viewpoints materialism and idealism.ā€

    reminds me of this:

  • Sep 12, 2023

    ā€Lenin basically states the history of philosophy can be summed up by a battle of two viewpoints materialism and idealism.ā€

    reminds me of this:

  • Sep 12, 2023

    ā€Lenin basically states the history of philosophy can be summed up by a battle of two viewpoints materialism and idealism.ā€

    reminds me of this:


  • Sep 12, 2023

    ā€Lenin basically states the history of philosophy can be summed up by a battle of two viewpoints materialism and idealism.ā€

    reminds me of this:

    Davila is one of maybe three 20th century philosophers actually worth reading

  • Sep 12, 2023
    3 replies

    ā€Lenin basically states the history of philosophy can be summed up by a battle of two viewpoints materialism and idealism.ā€

    reminds me of this:

    So the one who believes in god is the materialist, and the idealist is the one who doesn't

  • Sep 12, 2023
    1 reply

    Had no idea about Ciccone Youth gonna listen rn

    Sister is great, I'd say DN and WM are my favs

    this is sonic youth thread now

    goo, evol, dn are my top 3 and I like Murray st and bad moon rising

  • Sep 12, 2023
    1 reply
    Skinn Foley

    So the one who believes in god is the materialist, and the idealist is the one who doesn't

    Gotta be the other way round

  • Sep 12, 2023
    3 replies
    Skinn Foley

    So the one who believes in god is the materialist, and the idealist is the one who doesn't

    could be somewhat more nuanced than that, but i think you have that flipped brother materialism/physicalism sort of necessarily excludes any sort of metaphysical claims (even though itā€™s composed of metaphysical claims itself) like the soul and/or God as far as im aware of

  • Sep 12, 2023

    Gotta be the other way round


  • Sep 12, 2023
    2 replies

    could be somewhat more nuanced than that, but i think you have that flipped brother materialism/physicalism sort of necessarily excludes any sort of metaphysical claims (even though itā€™s composed of metaphysical claims itself) like the soul and/or God as far as im aware of

    i mean Spinoza exists
