The day to night >
2-4AM also a great contender
my fav time of day is dusk so i agree
5am-7am easily.
As a huge Drake fan can you elaborate? I’ve always been interested in being more active during this times
As a huge Drake fan can you elaborate? I’ve always been interested in being more active during this times
I work out 5-555. Walk my dogs through the park from 6-630. Read until 7.
1am - 3am is my highest productivity artistically
I have the ideas at that time but not energy to execute them lol
I work out 5-555. Walk my dogs through the park from 6-630. Read until 7.
You got a home gym or?
You got a home gym or?
I run a tutoring/personal training business and live like 30 seconds from my facility.
I run a tutoring/personal training business and live like 30 seconds from my facility.
I guess that effectively counts haha
Like 11am-1pm is goated on weekends
Probably 8pm-10pm on weekdays