Nigga bout ugly as s***. Drake look like he wants to chuck Adonis out the window in the second pic. He looks like someone else asked him to hold their kid
Whoever got a hold of these is in troubleeeeeeeeeeeeeee haha
baka on his way
Deadass Drake needs one of them cameras that print the picture instantly and put em in a photo album cuz this internet s*** ain’t working for him
Natural blonde just like Goku 😩
how tho when her parents both got black hair
Keep dreaming
I did on my IG. You simply wouldn’t have these if it wasn’t for me and that’s period
Keep dreaming
And this is all jokes aside. Those twitter pages are taking it from my IG story.
Nigga bout ugly as s***. Drake look like he wants to chuck Adonis out the window in the second pic. He looks like someone else asked him to hold their kid
You are definitely a loser in real life.
Nigga bout ugly as s***. Drake look like he wants to chuck Adonis out the window in the second pic. He looks like someone else asked him to hold their kid
Nah you a whole ass clown