i do not see any cigarettes being smoked in this photo. there are rappers but this is only half of the request
21 is holding one in his right hand
Nah you just a weak willed loser if you smoking anything other then weed
f*** up p****. i'd blow smoke in your face and stomp you out
f*** up p****. i'd blow smoke in your face and stomp you out
You wouldn’t do s*** with your horrible lungs. You’d be out of breath before if you even started speaking. Out my face you sack of cancer
You wouldn’t do s*** with your horrible lungs. You’d be out of breath before if you even started speaking. Out my face you sack of cancer
you are cruising for a bruising fucc boi
Idk who this is but between the long ass nails and the cig
Robb Banks Best rapper alive
Nah you just a weak willed loser if you smoking anything other then weed
imagine not mixing both
i do not see any cigarettes being smoked in this photo. there are rappers but this is only half of the request
21 has a cig in his right hand