Strange Ways top 5 GOAT songs
Accordion up there too
I will not have this madvillian slander last any longer
MM..Food > Madvilliany but thats just me
we not about to slander madvilliany jus to give pinata and bandana props. they are all terrific albums
Madvillain is cool as hell but you really got to listen to it a lot to pick up everything
op: I PeRsOnAlLy dOnT LiKe It. I cAnT gEt InTo It!!
also op: MoSt OvErRaTeD aLbUm oF aLl TiMe????
bandana is the superior display of rapping and just hard song after hard song bar fest
but pinata so much better of an album its crazyyy
MF Doom fans hate when you have this opinion but yeah, Gibbs is a much more exciting rapper and personality in general
I've tried so many times to get into this album but I can't. This s*** is so f***ing boring. This nigga doesn't rap with any emotion or any enthusiasm like wtf dawg. I thought the beats were fire though. Madlib always comes through. But this nigga Dooms rapping? Nah dawg. I can't get into it
Pinata and Bandana >> Madvillainy
Freddie's raps actually is exciting and not all boring like this nigga Doom
All I got from op was that Madlib is too damn underrated and blessed us with 3 classics
the child is under the bed
Bro this s*** f***ing killed me for no reason holy s*** lmfaoo
facts. freddie is better than kendrick too.
ion bout all that nose