Siifu maybe my fav rapper RN but Ion f' with his Negro s***s.
Second track is like this weird s***
Why was i thinking this was coming out Friday. Gonna listen tn
Das what my ex GF said to me "thought new releases drop on fridays" aha
Great album still not even all the way done cause I’ve been replaying a few tracks.
Feels really dense
Ion f*ck with the 5 first tracks but from SCREW4LIFE'!RIPJALEN'! it's insane d*mn
@mods sticky this
@sab been telling yall this dont work just at mods lol
@op also put album in the title
I actually fdlt the first few tracks were more engaging than the rest and I wasn't really a fan of negro like that. But a whole albums with a sound would get tiring so the switch in pace was needed. Gonna need to sit with this one for a bjt