ok, but edgy hip hop forum s***posters like you are worse
Keep crying sicko
6.3 is relatively high and wont affect the overall score much.
P4K has given much much much better albums lower scores. A shame they rarely give low scores nowadays. Their 8s arent even impressive anymore.
i dont understand this fanbase nor have I even tried to, maybe one day I'll meet a girl who I'll like and then she will explain it to me, until then its f*** kpop and f*** their fanbase and their music
Sheldon is black so I know damn well these BTS stans on twitter been calling him the n-word for the past 24 hours. Hard r version too.
"Hi, reminder that Pitchfork uses the most Western-based/ethnocentric approach to music critique out there. You simply can't rate music from all over the world using the same system. It's for clicks. I think BTS fans know better than to take this seriously."
Someone actually said this
K Pop is just watered down american top 40 s*** which objectively makes it worst. If you gonna worship somebody at least make sure the music is good. All these Korean groups are making the most generic music right now. it's just being pushed because of their massive fan bases of young teenagers who are casual listeners
M2 really get yall on your nerves dam
She represents white women white supremacism so yes