for those not familiar
Never listened to him like that but it’s crazy how people here will call this kid music then go listen to that Olivia Rodrigo prom and drivers license album
Xaviersobased comes for the stoner party-rap crown on a mixtape that’s improvisatory, totally zooted, and New York through and through.
Alternatively, maybe, you’ll see the light, and go on and on, like I do, about how it’s a borderline spiritual experience, one that will have you standing around with crowds of teenagers and skaters after midnight, below underpasses, at warehouse shows with unpronounceable names on the bill,
-Alphonse Pierre, 45 years old
Good for xavier
first black artist to get BNM in the Conde Naste era #ceilingshattered
They were owned by Conde Naste since like 2015 or something brother
Alternatively, maybe, you’ll see the light, and go on and on, like I do, about how it’s a borderline spiritual experience, one that will have you standing around with crowds of teenagers and skaters after midnight, below underpasses, at warehouse shows with unpronounceable names on the bill,
-Alphonse Pierre, 45 years old
Tape not on steaming services?
na not yet
They were owned by Conde Naste since like 2015 or something brother
Alternatively, maybe, you’ll see the light, and go on and on, like I do, about how it’s a borderline spiritual experience, one that will have you standing around with crowds of teenagers and skaters after midnight, below underpasses, at warehouse shows with unpronounceable names on the bill,
-Alphonse Pierre, 45 years old
Bruh having a midlife crisis
Alternatively, maybe, you’ll see the light, and go on and on, like I do, about how it’s a borderline spiritual experience, one that will have you standing around with crowds of teenagers and skaters after midnight, below underpasses, at warehouse shows with unpronounceable names on the bill,
-Alphonse Pierre, 45 years old
Xaviersobased has 130k monthly on Spotify. He's treating this s*** like Beatlemania
Alphonse does love this lil nigga
u f***ing w him and nettspend?
And I’m pretty sure xaviersobased in his 20’s
confused his age w nett lol
for those not familiar
!! s*** is ass wtf
This s*** is ass wtf
gen cooked?
gen cooked?