she sounds so much Lucinda Williams on this song it's kinda crazy
my top 10 albums from the 90s
1. Elliott Smith - Either/Or
2. My Bloody Valentine - Loveless
3. Nirvana - Nevermind
4. Fishmans - Long Season
5. Radiohead - OK Computer
6. Spiritualized - Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating in Space
7. Nas - Illmatic
8. Slowdive - Souvlaki
9. Neutral Milk Hotel - In the Aeroplane Over the Sea
10. Oasis - (What's the Story) Morning Glory?
honourable mentions
Weezer - Blue/Pinkerton
Pulp - Different Class
Bjork - Homogenic
Unwound - New Plastic Ideas
GYBE - F♯ A♯ ∞
Morrissey - Your Arsenal
Ride - Going Blank Again
Pavement - Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain
incredibly real for elliott at #1
loveless being #1 is pretentious and i love that album to death
how is it pretentious
how is it pretentious
album is a niche and had no impact to be considered #1
deserves to be top 10 though
album is a niche and had no impact to be considered #1
deserves to be top 10 though
no impact
album is a niche and had no impact to be considered #1
deserves to be top 10 though
a niche? no impact? what?
Siamese Dream is like 80 or 90 something
Mellon Collie not even on the list
a green day album is better than mellon collie according to s***fork
man even the most basic of art hoes love Loveless aint no way is that album a niche
a niche? no impact? what?
shoegaze is still a niche genre to this day
album is a niche and had no impact to be considered #1
deserves to be top 10 though
not gonna act like i know their exact criteria but i like the idea that a more niche album can really be the best. especially snice for the best songs of the 90s list they totally went for the hits/singles route
man even the most basic of art hoes love Loveless aint no way is that album a niche
i guess i hang around different people but i never seen anyone irl say they'd put loveless as #1 album of the 90s, let alone listen to it in the first place
Need the bro @Sir_Swagalot to give his top 20 albums of the 90s tbh
i guess i hang around different people but i never seen anyone irl say they'd put loveless as #1 album of the 90s, let alone listen to it in the first place
do the people you hang around with listen to Deftones? i'd say they have a lot of shoegaze influence in their music and they're a very popular band rn