  • Hi-C 🦌
    Jul 16, 2021

    Okay it’s childish gamblino homegirl drop it like the NASDAQ
    Move white girls like there’s coke up my ASSCRACK

    Made the beat and murdered it…

    Casey Anthony

  • Hi-C 🦌
    Jul 16, 2021
    babylon sherm

    I mean it f***ing sucked

    Lmaoo yeah it really did

  • The only time they were right

  • Hi-C 🦌
    Jul 16, 2021
    1 reply

    Pitchfork is cringe and yeah they write reviews like satire and try super hard to deliver "ethers" for some cheap "lulz" and clickbait tier content

    But also this album did suck and Gambino was a corny ass rapper

    Facts. Him and Tyler have progressed the most from any rapper from that era imo.

    Both made really bad music but both make really good music now

  • Jul 16, 2021
    1 reply

    the intro is one of the best hooks i`ve ever heard

  • The album wasn’t good but the attempt to humiliate an artist like that is a sign of the reviewer’s own narcissism and sociopathic tendencies. F*** Pitchfork.

  • rx friendly ghost

    lol yeah 'tracing' is a good way to put it, the rapping s*** stands on its own as bad - everything since is like a child trying and failing to trace and colour in a picture of a a decade long past

    wit dat said ATLANTA is top f***in 10 shows of all time for me... nd honestly on the tan nigga end of things its top 5... tht s*** is amazing its like literally so well thought out n put together so tight n sht ... tht nigga Earn is literally me lol

  • Jul 16, 2021

    Lowkey without this review we may have never gotten the Childish Gambino/Donald Glover we have today

  • Jul 16, 2021

    man who wrote the review

  • Jul 16, 2021
    rx friendly ghost

    the man has never made good music

    Awaken my love was funkadelic cosplay

  • Jul 16, 2021

    Facts. Him and Tyler have progressed the most from any rapper from that era imo.

    Both made really bad music but both make really good music now

    Tyler also stans Gambino

    Same with Mac Miller btw

  • Jul 16, 2021

    he's always been wildly overrated and that album was cringe

  • Jul 16, 2021
    1 reply

    looool different times man, i dont think anyone would dare write a review that negative today

  • Critics still don't f*** with Gambino like that tbh

  • RASIE 🦦
    Jul 16, 2021
    rx friendly ghost

    the man has never made good music

  • Jul 16, 2021

    looool different times man, i dont think anyone would dare write a review that negative today

    yea, the backlash from fans on social media would be intense

  • Jul 16, 2021
    1 reply

    remember when "armchair cracker" Ian Cohen SAVAGED childish gambino's debut album CAMP for pitchfork, giving it a 1.6 out of 10?

    he called it "hashtag rap's tombstone" and called bullshit about Glover's assertion that he was the "the only black guy at a sufjan concert"

    10 years on, was Cohen right about this album or was he too harsh?

    Honestly most of Camp is completely unlistenable but whoever wrote this review is a bonafide hater. half the article is more about Donald's personality and bashing him for who he is rather than the music.

  • Jul 16, 2021

    I thought they re-reviewed it

  • Jul 16, 2021

    They did him dirty lmaoo

  • Jul 16, 2021
    1 reply

    gen z despising artistic criticism of any sort is the most on brand s*** ever

    There’s criticism and there’s “reviews” like this

    Nothing wrong with scoring it low but the guy was writing with so much venom you’d think Donald f***ed his wife

  • Jul 16, 2021

    nah this man had a personal vendetta against him, he really wanted him to suffer

  • user

    So much rap cap be happening and dude is mad because he might have lied about being the only nigga at a sufjan stevens show so he can have some unique subject matter

    The rap game deserves all the lil baby knockoffs lmao

    Clearly the review didn’t matter because Gambino went on to make more music

  • Jul 16, 2021
    6 replies

    “I got a girl on my arm, dude show some respect, something crazy and Asian, Virginia Tech”

    Wait WTF?? Did Gambino get s*** on more for this line, that is really disrespectful

  • Jul 16, 2021
    1 reply
    tomorrow volverse

    Honestly most of Camp is completely unlistenable but whoever wrote this review is a bonafide hater. half the article is more about Donald's personality and bashing him for who he is rather than the music.

    isnt likeability and a rappers personality a big part of the appeal of rap music?

  • WHaaaT

    Okay it’s childish gamblino homegirl drop it like the NASDAQ
    Move white girls like there’s coke up my ASSCRACK
