"he makes himself the main character in his queer relatives’ stories "
what did they mean by this
A trans friend of mine said the same thing and it didn’t make sense then either idk
Well people can stop complaining about critics slurping him
For every one honest critic there is 20 virtue signalers
“A celebrity do not mean integrity, you fool” (“Rich in Spirit”)—the stated purpose of his venting grows shaky. Is his goal to be honest or impish? Does he want to bare his soul or his fangs?
Rich Spirit hater - I'm out
Drake stans rejoicing over reviews would be a new low
They gonna act like Drake’s last three projects didn’t get panned by every critic.
For every one honest critic there is 20 virtue signalers
Dont quote me b****
why they say the album lacks clear hooks
even f***ing We Cry Together has an obvious hook
@python after the album flopped critically and commercially
Reviews not valid anymore
We need a new medium for Kenny to win in
Only taking opinions from the Pulitzer board???
That's it
@python after the album flopped critically and commercially
He loves the album
Reviews not valid anymore
We need a new medium for Kenny to win in
Only taking opinions from the Pulitzer board???
That's it
What happened to opinions over statistics
A trans friend of mine said the same thing and it didn’t make sense then either idk
is it because they think the song should talk about the relatives' feelings more instead of focusing on kendricks thoughts or somethign? i understand criticisms of other aspects of the song but i dont really get this one
Drake stans when they see Pitchfork giving Kendrick a lower score than usual: