  • Oct 31, 2019

    It's Spring/Summer in Flagstaff, Arizona. Ye holed up inside Roden Crater through the blazing heat. He 3 hours into a Service, sweat coating his unreleased Yeezy Season 9 monk vestments. He starts to dehydrate, vision all blurry. These singers still smiling, how the f*** they still smiling? They been singing the same sentence on a loop now for the past 10 minutes. Suddenly Ye starts to enter the astral plane. His spirit leaves his body, but just as he bout to let go his Earthly tether and enter the void, he looks up at the sky.

    The eye of the Holy Father lookin into his soul. The light shines right through into every crack and scar of his being.

    Jesus is King.

  • Oct 31, 2019

  • Oct 31, 2019

    do they not have AC at the crater?