I went and just flooded my rings, I blew up, they call me Osama son.
no knowledge of context or even who osamason is but that thug tweet will always make me laugh
rare hater moment from Thug
no knowledge of context or even who osamason is but that thug tweet will always make me laugh
Meanwhile osama been getting co-signed by summrs kan and glokk4 who all have problems with carti camp underground is divided into 2 right now
its a reference and cool imo, it's only unoriginal if he tries to hide the inspo.
this my 9/11 fr
Dude it was too funny the first time you said it don’t make me die of laughter
its a reference and cool imo, it's only unoriginal if he tries to hide the inspo.
Your whole s*** can’t be references though. It’s cool to do it as wink every now and then
Dude it was too funny the first time you said it don’t make me die of laughter
didn’t even realize i said it twice that’s how down bad this s*** got me 😭
Meanwhile osama been getting co-signed by summrs kan and glokk4 who all have problems with carti camp underground is divided into 2 right now
it’s a damn shame
the osamason nigga cool, I think he has potential, but he not doing KEN's sound better than him. he got as much personality as sandpaper.
see, I don't think these are even bad tbh. it's cool to show homage to ur influences. flexmusix in place of vetements is hard! and clearly it's getting people to talk, so he's doing something right.
guarantee if his music was better, this wouldn't even be a tweet.
tryna do osamason like bari did to purrp
cant believe we have a bari avi but no kanye
I guess im getting old because why the f*** does Ken Carson have the power to break new artists
He doesn’t
Meanwhile osama been getting co-signed by summrs kan and glokk4 who all have problems with carti camp underground is divided into 2 right now
Bro that's a total of 8 people altogether that don't like each other, that don't represent the whole underground being divided lol
Bro that's a total of 8 people altogether that don't like each other, that don't represent the whole underground being divided lol
old slayworld members and affiliates and opium people make up at least half of the streaming numbers for the "underground"