Need him to announce date so I can figure out when to buy d**** to have my first listen high as f***๐๐
F*** that subliminal/surprise s*** that s*** corny
Need him to announce date so I can figure out when to buy d**** to have my first listen high as f***๐๐
That rona pack gon hit different
Nah not Carti
Need him to announce date so I can figure out when to buy d**** to have my first listen high as f***๐๐
imagine not having d**** 24/7
bro dipped
crine brine dine
Cant play this rn what is it
i just remembered seeing something similar not too long ago just now
its a uzi herbo music video shoot, nothing to do w carti i think
i just remembered seeing something similar not too long ago just now
its a uzi herbo music video shoot, nothing to do w carti i think
Loool bamboozled
Need him to announce date so I can figure out when to buy d**** to have my first listen high as f***๐๐