How old is this? Might have something to do with cover art
How old is this? Might have something to do with cover art cross in particular
How old is this? Might have something to do with cover art least several months old I’ve seen it on IG a bit
At least several months old I’ve seen it on IG a bit
Fr? Thats wild Idk how Ive never seen that pic before
How old is this? Might have something to do with cover art very old
looks very old
Smh. Thought the stance and wall was similar to his twitter post
Relax it’s coming
Relax it’s coming
P****s locked my thread
Fr? Thats wild Idk how Ive never seen that pic before
Yeah seen em in a few Carti fan pages, archive pages, VLONE/Rocky pages all on my explore feed
Accepting a few of you to my private section where I’ll have my first impressions thread
Accepting a few of you to my private section where I’ll have my first impressions thread
By a few of you I mean only the family
Need vaga, tupacarti, philly, wolf80, etc