i question if carti will be able to top wunna, my turn, 333, exeter, or starz
id be scared 2 drop this year too
i question if carti will be able to top wunna, my turn, 333, exeter, or starz
id be scared 2 drop this year too
when carti drops he changing the world you think he worried about those albums?
he dropping aoty whenever he drops even if kendrick, cole and kanye drop
arent those carti's texts in the thumbnail
i question if carti will be able to top wunna, my turn, 333, exeter, or starz
id be scared 2 drop this year too
Those not the same caliber as red dawg. Carti changing music
Tf does Carti do w his days? How hard can it possibly be to put out a damn project?
Tf does Carti do w his days? How hard can it possibly be to put out a damn project?
You dont know how hard it is to do anything on opium, man.
does Carti tour a lot?
does Carti tour a lot?
Remember neon tour
Fully prepared for this to drop 2021 now
jesus f***ing christ RIP red
Wonder if this is cause the label wanted him to keep doing the @ Meh sound and he didn’t. Wasn’t that a rumor awhile ago?
jesus f***ing christ RIP red
this is nothing new
And f*** that guy
Can’t believe someone even implied lean is gonna be close to carti when they finally drop carti is gonna shift the paradigm of music and lean is gonna have a solid slow song u sing for a month max
My guess is the mix of Corona / Mixed Reception of @ Meh / Carti having a kid was enough to just stop the rollout until things blow over
ak didnt really say anything new lol
besides the no plans in immediate future part, which looks funny in the light considering they were literally about to drop a single the other week