  • Any of y'all play instruments in your place?

    Thinking of getting a drum kit, tabla, or djembe to practice drumming, but idk how to play it quietly in my place.

    Any suggestions?

  • Feb 4
    1 reply

    drums are tricky forsure. a good electronic kit might have to be the way (if you get a kit). which floor are you on?

    there’s a lot of great low cost sound proofing videos on YouTube that are worth following regardless though

  • Feb 4
    2 replies

    my friend plays drums in his apartment all the time and his neighbors f***ing hate it but whaddaya gonna do

  • Feb 4
    2 replies

    drums are tricky forsure. a good electronic kit might have to be the way (if you get a kit). which floor are you on?

    there’s a lot of great low cost sound proofing videos on YouTube that are worth following regardless though

    i'm a couple floors up in my place.

    might have to look into sound proofing

  • Classique

    my friend plays drums in his apartment all the time and his neighbors f***ing hate it but whaddaya gonna do


  • Feb 4

    at my old place my upstairs neighbors had a loud ass big dog that always stomped so i would get my bass amp, put it directly in front of the closet door and shake the entire building fr. i felt like a god, i was so happy to get out of there tho

  • Feb 4
    1 reply
    my friend loves this and has played in various apartments with it for a decade

  • well you can always get a electronic kit

  • training

    i'm a couple floors up in my place.

    might have to look into sound proofing

    sound proofing will do wonders forsure it’s a must

  • Flaphead
    my friend loves this and has played in various apartments with it for a decade

    looks pretty fire. might look into this. thank you

  • Feb 4
    5 replies

    how would I play these (tabla and djembe) in an apartment?

  • Feb 4
    1 reply

    how would I play these (tabla and djembe) in an apartment?

    Same way you would do it outside of an apartment tf

  • Feb 4
    1 reply

    how would I play these (tabla and djembe) in an apartment?

    These wont even be that loud unless you have paper thin walls. A real drum kit would be a problem

  • Venus as a boy

    Same way you would do it outside of an apartment tf

    not trying to get a noise complaint man.

    my complex been sending too many emails to everyone about people playing loud music and smoking lol

  • Young King

    These wont even be that loud unless you have paper thin walls. A real drum kit would be a problem

    the walls lowkey paper thin. been hearing my neighbors going at it too many times

  • lol, what face you see man?

  • they'll hear everything unless you play an electric keyboard with headphones on

  • Feb 4
    1 reply

    Living in an apartment as a man
    potentially sleeping above or below other men

  • Feb 4

    how would I play these (tabla and djembe) in an apartment?

    Wouldn’t these sound hella loud

  • Man f*** em as long as u not awful and don't play all day long

    I got a neighbor who watching p*** after 12, like loud af volume
    That's annoying af

  • Mr Anderson

    Living in an apartment as a man
    potentially sleeping above or below other men

    My upstairs neighbors be f***in right above me

  • You can probably soundproof your room for cheap if your rentier allows it
    Or f*** it carpets on every wall ussr style

  • trying to domed by your neighbors lmao

  • Feb 4
    2 replies

    Yeah electric kit or nothing. Everybody saying "fuck your neighbors" has never been on the other side. Hearing your neighbors make constant, uncontrollable loud noise can send your mental into hell. Don't put anyone through that unless they deserve it

  • Feb 4
    1 reply

    Yeah electric kit or nothing. Everybody saying "fuck your neighbors" has never been on the other side. Hearing your neighbors make constant, uncontrollable loud noise can send your mental into hell. Don't put anyone through that unless they deserve it

    I had to lawyer up to gtfo of my last apartment for this reason, was getting death threats and my power cut in the middle of the night from the downstairs neighbors (once the dude cornered my wife in the parking lot on her way to work at like 4am). Set cameras up and the old f*** was harassing my dog all day when we were at work too

    We werent using instruments, they thought a buzzing noise was coming from us on purpose, turned out to be something faulty in the floor/ceiling and didn't like when they could hear the water from us flushing the toilet at night

    Never had a situation like that in 11 years of renting but crazy people have nothing holding them back and I wouldn't want to find out what neighbor is crazy like that when you're making hella noise on purpose. Electric drum kits are so cheap and really dope now anyways