Deadlock >>>>> (this post is sponsored by deadlock. I’m in the alpha and it’s fun af)
i need valve to send that invite
kk shoutout to the devs that made this but NEXT, i might give it a shot if its f2p
know damn well this not gonna be free
There’s literally a yellow Michelin man and they called that a character
S*** looks good but that trailer had me expecting a COMPLETELY different game
You know the character design sucks when you don’t even wanna look up rule 34 feet art of any of them
i need valve to send that invite
They slowed down the invites lol like 50 people got in today
You know the character design sucks when you don’t even wanna look up rule 34 feet art of any of them
whatever happened to the foam multiplayer game that was ps5 exclusive?
It flopped
whatever happened to the foam multiplayer game that was ps5 exclusive?
Already been a PS+ monthly free game
Last of us online died for this to live
Factions save us
know damn well this not gonna be free
5 v 5 shooters have not worked unless they f2p sadly
S*** looks good but that trailer had me expecting a COMPLETELY different game
at least the two black characters don't have that f*** ass killmonger hair devs keep spawning on every black man
Wait this costs money I thought it was gonna be f2p