It’s like if they got the director of the Bye Bye Man to direct a remake of Rosemary’s Baby.
Or got the director of Doctor Sleep to direct a remake of The Exorcist
I wonder what it must be like if you're in your 40s rn, You gamed from the Joystick/ OG consoles era, to watch it turn into this
fat liberal women ruined gaming
I wonder what it must be like if you're in your 40s rn, You gamed from the Joystick/ OG consoles era, to watch it turn into this
I feel you could imagine it
Not me tho
Once Nintendo does their Switch 2 game reveal….it’s a wrap I’m afraid
sleeping giant
Once Nintendo does their Switch 2 game reveal….it’s a wrap I’m afraid
so I can buy another console I wont use?!
I wonder what it must be like if you're in your 40s rn, You gamed from the Joystick/ OG consoles era, to watch it turn into this
Around 10 years between Super Mario Bros and Mario 64, we're never gonna see that kind of leap again
I wonder what it must be like if you're in your 40s rn, You gamed from the Joystick/ OG consoles era, to watch it turn into this
Once Nintendo does their Switch 2 game reveal….it’s a wrap I’m afraid
The kings of this s***
That's an L for YOU
an L for nintendo I dreamed of getting a switch all my life and it let me down
an L for nintendo I dreamed of getting a switch all my life and it let me down
What are you playing on it
What are you playing on it
nothing it is collecting dust
Animal Well is so good on Switch
maybe a good idea tbh