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  • Jul 30, 2020

    Hello all, I’m chip skylark, member of KTT since 2011 & Cudi Section mod. I’ll be discussing my case on why I was punished unjustly by being banned from G&G

    The mod that banned me and mentioned that my posts were too far at times even though he said he knows I’m just “fucking around”

    Yes I agree but I’ve even stated in the section a few times I’ve acknowledged it myself & explained why I make those posts. somehow that’s bad compared to members in the same section posting leaks of onlyfans/grotesque cartoon p*** and still being allowed in there? And no I’m not saying they should be gone too

    Mod also mentioned that my posts have been reported serval times

    if I was notified by this like in KTT1 I would of toned it down a lot cause I knew how serious the situation was.

    I was going around thinking everything is peaches and candy then next thing you know I’m banned. Like give someone a heads up at least

    Also I never broke ANY rules within the section just h**** posts in a NOT SAFE FOR WORK section. It’s full of p*** but me writing words is that harmful to the community? Cmon now

    If there’s any solid basis y’all can provide for me not coming back let me know I just think it’s unfair is all & need a reply from someone.

    You can say what you want about me making this a big deal but it’s the principle of the matter

  • Jul 30, 2020

    it's a user sxn so talk to the gng people on discord or dm them

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