i cant do this please help i just got blessed with the self-discipline to not watch p*** but thats all i can do i try to work out in the morning but I never do it i woke up at around 10am everyday for the past 2 weeks or something and im starting to hate my life again im afraid i will never get everything together all i do is sleep all day basically and go out and run a couple of miles in the evening I cant push myself to do anything sometimes and end up not getting anything done some days it really burdens my mind that i'm basically not like everyone else working everyday
You’re at least aware of it. You won’t ever fall that far with that kind of consciousness. Just find the willpower to do what you KNOW you need to
You’re at least aware of it. You won’t ever fall that far with that kind of consciousness. Just find the willpower to do what you KNOW you need to
thx the main problem i get is overthinking though
At the end of the day OP life is about having fun. People work all day everyday and have nothing to show for it. Just do what makes YOU happy
Ain't no magic words or solution to this my guy and don't believe anyone that tells you there is.
You don't wanna be a NEET anymore? Then stop it. Wanna wake up earlier? Then do it. Good s*** on quitting p***; you're already better than me in the discipline department keep your head up
we're gonna get thru it bro
ive been trying to get through it but i always fail theres always something distracting me sometimes theres days or a whole week where im good though
we're gonna get thru it bro
you readin anything? i think its important to reinforce things in your head
i cant do this please help i just got blessed with the self-discipline to not watch p*** but thats all i can do i try to work out in the morning but I never do it i woke up at around 10am everyday for the past 2 weeks or something and im starting to hate my life again im afraid i will never get everything together all i do is sleep all day basically and go out and run a couple of miles in the evening I cant push myself to do anything sometimes and end up not getting anything done some days it really burdens my mind that i'm basically not like everyone else working everyday
Are you depressed OP? If not, pay the following advice no heed: The remedy to this was mostly to have parents that provided structure in your life and disciplined you to build healthy habits that would last a lifetime. Now, you’re a big boy so it’s on you. There’s no magic guide here. You can say you want it all you want but yo ur actions speak louder than your words. You say you hate your life but simultaneously there’s complacency at play if you’re not actively trying to change it. You break your bad habits by creating good ones. It doesn’t matter whether you “feel like” doing something. Discipline is doing something regardless of how you feel because you KNOW it is important to achieving your goal. Do some introspection and find out how important it all is to you.
Ain't no magic words or solution to this my guy and don't believe anyone that tells you there is.
You don't wanna be a NEET anymore? Then stop it. Wanna wake up earlier? Then do it. Good s*** on quitting p***; you're already better than me in the discipline department keep your head up
you readin anything? i think its important to reinforce things in your head
no not reading anything at the moment but i do notice actually when i do I get more stuff done
Also if you wanna wake up early to go work out, stop drinking caffeine and start going to bed earlier.
Are you depressed OP? If not, pay the following advice no heed: The remedy to this was mostly to have parents that provided structure in your life and disciplined you to build healthy habits that would last a lifetime. Now, you’re a big boy so it’s on you. There’s no magic guide here. You can say you want it all you want but yo ur actions speak louder than your words. You say you hate your life but simultaneously there’s complacency at play if you’re not actively trying to change it. You break your bad habits by creating good ones. It doesn’t matter whether you “feel like” doing something. Discipline is doing something regardless of how you feel because you KNOW it is important to achieving your goal. Do some introspection and find out how important it all is to you.
taking this advice and running
It takes effort to be somebody and who you want to be. Detail your goals of what you want your life to be like short term and long term. Make a plan to achieve those goals. For the gym you’re not even doing the bare minimum. Go to the gym. You don’t even have to work out, make the habit of going to the gym however many time a week. Hell, don’t go. Do body exercises. Everytime you die in a video game or something, do push ups. Don’t take elevators, walk everywhere. Intermittent fast. Calorie count.
no not reading anything at the moment but i do notice actually when i do I get more stuff done
try some books mane
if u like psychs get rememember be here now. or get feeling good
taking this advice and running
The perspective is a powerful thing. Part of what makes religion so powerful is the perspective it gives people. Don’t say you “can’t push” yourself unless you PHYSICALLY can’t. There’s always more effort to give, and if you TRULY gave it your all (which isn’t something most people can say. Not many people truly give things their all imo), then at least you tried right?
It takes effort to be somebody and who you want to be. Detail your goals of what you want your life to be like short term and long term. Make a plan to achieve those goals. For the gym you’re not even doing the bare minimum. Go to the gym. You don’t even have to work out, make the habit of going to the gym however many time a week. Hell, don’t go. Do body exercises. Everytime you die in a video game or something, do push ups. Don’t take elevators, walk everywhere. Intermittent fast. Calorie count.
everytime i try to detail my goals my brain wanders off most of the time I don't know how it works it sounds like bs but ill overthink it all and be negative I have really good work ethic when I do get in a good work schedule
everytime i try to detail my goals my brain wanders off most of the time I don't know how it works it sounds like bs but ill overthink it all and be negative I have really good work ethic when I do get in a good work schedule
Maybe you have some form of ADD/ ADHD?
thx the main problem i get is overthinking though
Me too bro paralysis by a***ysis. Just prioritize throughout the day :)
Maybe you have some form of ADD/ ADHD?
yea but i dont want to get addys I dont wanna get addicted or have side effects
yea but i dont want to get addys I dont wanna get addicted or have side effects
Mm that’s tough. Doing what I say will be even harder than the average person but I still believe you’ll be able to find a way. People with much worse have achieved far more.
Mm that’s tough. Doing what I say will be even harder than the average person but I still believe you’ll be able to find a way. People with much worse have achieved far more.
yea thats true it's really perspective of life in the mind I was pretty good for a month but I had this conversation with someone and now i feel so negative towards life because she was being so negative about life, it was like wow is life really good and I havent been able to get happy ever since