My mother just tested positive for corona. She barely goes out and I work full time so I fear that I may have brought it to her. She's experiencing mild symptoms as of right now and I'm going to get tested tomorrow.
This s*** isn't a joke, for all the people thinking that it's dying down because the vaccine is coming out, yall need to look at the numbers. In my county alone today we had 8000+ cases, a record high since Covid started. People aren't taking this s*** seriously, aren't wearing masks, going to functions and s***....I mean I'll admit besides work I've sparingly went to a restaurant, to the mall and stuff. I'm human and everyone eventually gets tired of being cooped up in their crib. But still this is serious and can hit anybody at anytime. And I've never been in public without a mask, I feel like I've done well in limiting my exposure....but this is just a new dose of reality to me...I just hope my mom is okay, our relationship is far from great but she's still the woman who raised me.
I just hope people start taking this pandemic more seriously. And just because a vaccine is coming out doesn't mean that covid will magically disappear.
EDIT: my test came back negative, my mom is still positive and now my job is trying to get me to start working again immediately
Wishing for the best outcome possible homie i'm sorry this even happened 😔 try to stay positive & be there for your mother as much as u can
Praying for your mother and you 🙏🏾
Don't stress too much over things you have no control over and spend as much quality time with your mom as possible (laughter heals) 💜
Peace and positivity to you @op
I live w my mom and dad and we all had Covid. We're all on the other side of it now sending good thoughts bro!
Yo man keep your head up, my dad was in the same situation too and now he’s at home in the tropics relaxing. It was scary but positivity goes a long way
wish you the the best op please update us if everything is alright
I definitely will
May god bless you bro. I’ll keep your mom in my thoughts and prayers. She’ll get through it.
You’re in NC right? S*** getting worse and worse here
May god bless you bro. I’ll keep your mom in my thoughts and prayers. She’ll get through it.
You’re in NC right? S*** getting worse and worse here
Yeah I am. S*** is terrible. You could probably guess what county too. People really don’t care man
Yeah I am. S*** is terrible. You could probably guess what county too. People really don’t care man
What part of NC you stay in?
Sorry to hear that man, hoping the best for you and your moms
People are really unfortunately understating what the term pandemic means
hope you’re alright op, your moms too. my dad caught it last month, s*** had my hair turning gray how i was stressing over it
What part of NC you stay in?
Raleigh. But like right on the border of Garner and Fuquay. It’s a weird area
So I need some advice. My test came back negative, my mom’s second test came back positive. She’s asymptomatic right now so I’m a lot less worried but still cautious.
My boss called me last night to get an update, and we had a ten minute conversation going over the policy of the company. Apparently even if you live with someone who tested positive, if you’re showing negative then you’re required to come in. I think that’s complete bullshit and just the company trying to cover its ass and squeeze as many hours in as possible. I told him I would consider coming in if my results were negative but now that I’m thinking about it, it would be dumb to. At any point I could test positive, I could be infected right now and not know it yet. Our house isn’t that big, she’s isolating herself in her room but to simply get downstairs we have to walk down the same narrow hallway and steps. It’s inevitable we will cross paths just doing daily stuff around the house. And the thing is with Christmas coming up everyone is required to work on Eve and at least 4+ hours Christmas Day. So he’s obviously facing pressure from higher up.
Am I crazy for thinking this? I don’t want to face any repercussions from work, I just got promoted a few months ago. But if no one else is gonna give a f*** about this virus then I will and I’ll cover my own ass if I have to. Over 90% of the counties in NC have “substantial and critical” amount of positive cases. These scummy companies don’t give a s*** about keeping people safe so why should I give a s*** about them?
So I need some advice. My test came back negative, my mom’s second test came back positive. She’s asymptomatic right now so I’m a lot less worried but still cautious.
My boss called me last night to get an update, and we had a ten minute conversation going over the policy of the company. Apparently even if you live with someone who tested positive, if you’re showing negative then you’re required to come in. I think that’s complete bullshit and just the company trying to cover its ass and squeeze as many hours in as possible. I told him I would consider coming in if my results were negative but now that I’m thinking about it, it would be dumb to. At any point I could test positive, I could be infected right now and not know it yet. Our house isn’t that big, she’s isolating herself in her room but to simply get downstairs we have to walk down the same narrow hallway and steps. It’s inevitable we will cross paths just doing daily stuff around the house. And the thing is with Christmas coming up everyone is required to work on Eve and at least 4+ hours Christmas Day. So he’s obviously facing pressure from higher up.
Am I crazy for thinking this? I don’t want to face any repercussions from work, I just got promoted a few months ago. But if no one else is gonna give a f*** about this virus then I will and I’ll cover my own ass if I have to. Over 90% of the counties in NC have “substantial and critical” amount of positive cases. These scummy companies don’t give a s*** about keeping people safe so why should I give a s*** about them?
what do you do for work?
if it's something like Gamestop then obviously you shouldn't risk it
American dystopia in action once again
At least you don't have to worry about the guilt of your mom catching it from you now once again
what do you do for work?
if it's something like Gamestop then obviously you shouldn't risk it
American dystopia in action once again
At least you don't have to worry about the guilt of your mom catching it from you now once again
Retail. Funny cause this company is in the Top 15 of s***tiest companies to work for in the country just my luck but I make ok money so that makes it tolerable. But yeah that what was worrying me the most that I somehow exposed her.
Retail. Funny cause this company is in the Top 15 of s***tiest companies to work for in the country just my luck but I make ok money so that makes it tolerable. But yeah that what was worrying me the most that I somehow exposed her.
Sounds like you work at a Nordstrom rack