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  • Nov 5, 2019

    like a separate section for relationship advice

  • Nov 5, 2019
    1 reply

    you know on original ktt everyone f***ing whined about us having a separate relationship advice sxn

    now that we don't have one it's a little more crowded

  • Nov 5, 2019

    you know on original ktt everyone f***ing whined about us having a separate relationship advice sxn

    now that we don't have one it's a little more crowded

    i think relationship was cool it was a nice section for people really interested in relationship topics could express. it wasnt that busy but busy enough much less ruthless than other sections which suited the section there was also the ra chat thread was always poppin

    i only remember people complaining that it wasnt private. i think niggas need complain about their other halves safely

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