  • Feb 24, 2020

    i need a good laugh

  • Feb 25, 2020


  • Oct 23, 2020
    2 replies


    that mf in there acting like all lives matter isn't racist when it's literally in opposition to black people speaking out for their right to exist

    they locked it before i could say that @Gangstalicious . headass.

  • Oct 23, 2020

    now people might not understand that that is what it is, because they're ignorant to it, but that is what it is.

    It's like going to a womens rights demonstration in 1918 talking about the mens right to vote

  • Oct 23, 2020
    rnb sponge

    that mf in there acting like all lives matter isn't racist when it's literally in opposition to black people speaking out for their right to exist

    they locked it before i could say that @Gangstalicious . headass.

    I locked it because the apologists were annoying lol

    I was half joking with the jail thing but if it were real I'd have no sympathy for them considering that I'm Black myself

  • Oct 23, 2020
    rnb sponge

  • Oct 23, 2020
    1 reply
    rnb sponge

    that mf in there acting like all lives matter isn't racist when it's literally in opposition to black people speaking out for their right to exist

    they locked it before i could say that @Gangstalicious . headass.

    Like I said, it's ignorant and tone deaf to reality but to classify them as racists at the same level of actual racists and supremecists is a little far. I don't believe in their ideology but there's a difference in what they do and what actual racists do. Don't get me wrong there are actual racists in that movement but I won't heavily generalize their entire thing as racist. A lot of them are just misguided white people.
    Also the context of this thread was that all racists should go to jail and he thought posting all live matter should be a jailable offense to give context. I never said what they did is right, I'm saying it's not enough racism to justify throwing them in prison

  • Oct 23, 2020
    1 reply

    Like I said, it's ignorant and tone deaf to reality but to classify them as racists at the same level of actual racists and supremecists is a little far. I don't believe in their ideology but there's a difference in what they do and what actual racists do. Don't get me wrong there are actual racists in that movement but I won't heavily generalize their entire thing as racist. A lot of them are just misguided white people.
    Also the context of this thread was that all racists should go to jail and he thought posting all live matter should be a jailable offense to give context. I never said what they did is right, I'm saying it's not enough racism to justify throwing them in prison

    racism is an umbrella of many things

    u can be racist and never speak on it

    u can say you're not racist but then when every time somebody gets killed by the cops u say "They should've cooperated" yall know what that is...

    I would agree those ppl are misguided but i don't think they should get any slack, just offered a way out of their ignorance, and an explanation if they're willing to listen but until they realize they're wrong they're out here looking like stupid clowns.

    and as far as the thread goes the premise was jokes tbh lol

    everybody gonna be in jail just about if that were the case

  • Oct 25, 2020
    rnb sponge

    racism is an umbrella of many things

    u can be racist and never speak on it

    u can say you're not racist but then when every time somebody gets killed by the cops u say "They should've cooperated" yall know what that is...

    I would agree those ppl are misguided but i don't think they should get any slack, just offered a way out of their ignorance, and an explanation if they're willing to listen but until they realize they're wrong they're out here looking like stupid clowns.

    and as far as the thread goes the premise was jokes tbh lol

    everybody gonna be in jail just about if that were the case

    If it's an umbrella of many things were were debating how much of the umbrella is stuff worth jail time and I just don't believe that making ignorant posts is enough to put them in jail or be punished for it. People have bad takes all the time. I disagree fundamentally with their stance but that doesn't mean I'm 100% right and should be the one to judge the situation.