The s*** is just boring to me bro.
The highs are elite but each of the tapes individually are a chore to play front to back
s*** is mad boring i tried i really did when it first came out it just didn’t hit at ALL.
i really prefer starboy to tht s*** at least the nigga was doing something
trilogy is so overrated bruh. Weeknd improved so much from those tapes
trilogy is so overrated bruh. Weeknd improved so much from those tapes
na you are acc speaking so much faxs.
i think kissland better than everythin on trilogy except HOB
PND2 the illmatic of R&B underrated by the mainstream but one of the most influential projects
This is tough the more you think about it both artists peaked at the beginning of their career and have declined in quality since
I'll give Trilogy the edge because EOS is a classic but PND 3 was trash
ngl, I listen to PND2 the most out of both of their trilogies
The Trilogy is too influential though, you'd have to go with that even though I think PND2 is best out of the 6 projects
Majority of people listenin to Trilogy only for HOB, the rest of the mixtapes are so inconsistent
EoS the best tape
Weeknd doesnt have an anthem like Break from Toronto
King of the fall s***s on break from toronto
trilogy, made in a year. PND 1-3, made in 4 years, Trilogy is unskippable while the PND 1-3 got some skips.