How can people even tell what the pictures are? It’s so blurry
Found this . So one image is made by a lolicon out the weird fetish stuff, might be an honest mistake but judging from his clips on first page idk 😭
How can people even tell what the pictures are? It’s so blurry
Hmm tbh you know if you've seen or been in these art communities before. Even if you aren't a fan of this type of content it circles around you at some point
Jesus didnt invent this, The Romans were the ones who added baby d***s to everything.
Pederasty was heavily scrutinized in Rome. Even if it wasn't illegal, it was severely frowned upon.
Found this . So one image is made by a lolicon out the weird fetish stuff, might be an honest mistake but judging from his clips on first page idk 😭
"you know how goblins get drawn in p*** right"
Alot of these streamers be freaky and hard drives of shame and y'all damn well.know it
You really think Hasan and destiny watching normal p*** ? Gtfoh
You're telling me people who are chronically online become losers?
did you misread or reply to the wrong post?
"But you also can’t deny that plenty of petite p*** DOES focus on being child like"
that was my entire point lol - most of it does and theres literal studios dedicated to that fact - including usa studios - and i even broke the japan s*** in the other post and say that they even admit it themselves and its a literal buisness plan
it is weird
i dont think someone should be in jail over it but it is suspect and does have huge crossovers - and I would personally not associate with individuals irl that do like that s***
My whole point was **dont delude yourself into thinking its NOT related to the real s*** in some way, when that side of p*** literally makes it their business plan to cater to that werido niche group who also more willing to spend money way more than other - it is their marketing and profit plan"
and i dont have a personal issue with calling it out because i am not attracted to really petite women (which most of those petite women are literal fresh 18 year olds too - usa p*** speaking) & in my life it has always been a saying that dudes that like that type of thing are after another type of thing
but again, even outside my own biases & preferences - its also a fact that most of that p*** preys on predators in a technical legal way, on purpose and for that fact
Heard you. I wasn’t sure where you were drawing the line on what’s considered CP
Just in my eyes live action petite p*** and loli p*** aren’t far apart from each other. So if you find something wrong with one your should find something wrong with the other.
But then that opens up a whole can of worms when we start comparing petite women to actual kids. Even tho people do that all the time
End of the day they are drawings and cartoons. Jerking off to loli p*** and jerking off to starfire from teen titans are the same s***. People shouldn’t care either way as long as ACTUAL real life kids are not being touched
Don’t know bruh but crazy compilation
Kill him
and several other individuals itt
I don’t even understand jerking off to cartoons
And AI ones?
That just feels so fake, I don’t get it
You might as well draw that s*** up yourself
It’s not normalization moreso as it could be a coping mechanism for people with trauma too. Most lolicons know real CP is deplorable and would never harm a child. And again, violent games and movies could be seen as normalizing violence and it could cause you to actually go out and kill people. Not the case. It’s all art.
And another thing to note is cultural differences. What seems bad in western society is normal in another society.
I think you have an interesting point but people get very emotional when it comes to this topic so they’ll assume the worst of your motivations
also for anyone who wants to play stupid in here it’s been proven ppl who consume s*** like this do go on to offend later on.
Found this . So one image is made by a lolicon out the weird fetish stuff, might be an honest mistake but judging from his clips on first page idk 😭
I despise Vaush’s fanboys and also his anti-fanbase that just sits around and clips him instead of just ignoring him and doing something better with their lives
engaging with this s*** isn’t even political action or even learning more about it, it’s just youtube entertainment bullshit drama with a sheen of “politics” on it that’s really just bad punditry
considering this person has “aryan” in their name and has a anime girl avatar, i’m willing to bet that they are a enthusiast of weird p***ography as much as Vaush is
Found this . So one image is made by a lolicon out the weird fetish stuff, might be an honest mistake but judging from his clips on first page idk 😭
Goblin p***
The internet really produces rolemodels of the likes of Andrew Tate, Asmongold and this guy can nobody be normal anymore?!?
vaush argues just like they do on here dude
they don’t gotta f*** w none of them, they model the same exact debate tactics
back on topic though, when this was a hot topic yesterday, a bunch of loli lovers wound up on my timeline
my block list ate well that day
While I got you here, can you unban my og account @HALLEBERRY ?
I tried to email ktt team and never got a response. I had requested a ban originally