  • I wanna hear some thought provoking stuff outside of the mainstream.

    I gotta think a little bit but I’m f***ing with Ghais Guevara right now heavy. Who else y’all got?

  • ·
    1 reply​nani2neat/video/7123187221502364934?lang=en (this guy got tiktoks of rapping over rage beats about political s***, it's actually pretty hard)

  • moor mother

  • (2) moor mother is the only notable conscious rapper to come out the past decade imo

  • It's crazy how we been living in some of the wildest political times of our lifetimes and yet rap is moving further and further away from political commentary. Imagine a prime Pac, or Public Enemy, or an Ice Cube etc... with this much material to work with lol

    Sad decline to a very important part of the genre

  • insertcoolnamehere
    !​nani2neat/video/7123187221502364934?lang=en (this guy got tiktoks of rapping over rage beats about political s***, it's actually pretty hard)


    No name gotta come back but she out here doing real work in the community so I respect it

  • ·
    1 reply

    It's crazy how we been living in some of the wildest political times of our lifetimes and yet rap is moving further and further away from political commentary. Imagine a prime Pac, or Public Enemy, or an Ice Cube etc... with this much material to work with lol

    Sad decline to a very important part of the genre

    Man… I just feel like there’s so much to rap about these days.

    I know there are artists out there speaking on it tho

  • earthwalka

    Man… I just feel like there’s so much to rap about these days.

    I know there are artists out there speaking on it tho

    I was upset at the lack of commentary from rap during covid. An unprecedented event during our lifetime and if you only listen to rap you'd think life had never been better lol have given up on any mainstream acts talking bout anything worthwhile anymore. Kendrick probably the last one

  • ·
    1 reply

    tom macdonald for hardcore pwnage of the libs

  • GodzillaMinusOne

    I was upset at the lack of commentary from rap during covid. An unprecedented event during our lifetime and if you only listen to rap you'd think life had never been better lol have given up on any mainstream acts talking bout anything worthwhile anymore. Kendrick probably the last one

    I didn’t even think about it like that but yea you’re right. If you look at hip hop in the early 2020s there isn’t much of a shift in what type of music is being put out into the mainstream. At least not in an explicit way

  • The internet would just clown and call them Immortal Technique Jr and s*** like that.

    We probably deserve what we are getting.

  • BLP Kosher made a political statement here

  • GodzillaMinusOne

    I was upset at the lack of commentary from rap during covid. An unprecedented event during our lifetime and if you only listen to rap you'd think life had never been better lol have given up on any mainstream acts talking bout anything worthwhile anymore. Kendrick probably the last one

    Got a great reply for this

  • ·
    4 replies

    It's crazy how we been living in some of the wildest political times of our lifetimes and yet rap is moving further and further away from political commentary. Imagine a prime Pac, or Public Enemy, or an Ice Cube etc... with this much material to work with lol

    Sad decline to a very important part of the genre

    Isn’t ice cube a f***ing maga moron

  • Bofa

    Isn’t ice cube a f***ing maga moron

    were you born yesterday


    tom macdonald for hardcore pwnage of the libs

    case in point

  • NorthShoreWhiteGuy

    case in point

    I see s*** like this and I understand why people despise Americans tbh lol

  • Tom MacDonald is right there

  • NorthShoreWhiteGuy

    case in point

    Wow I hate this so much and I have mixed feelings about you posting it on here

  • Bofa

    Isn’t ice cube a f***ing maga moron

    What the f*** does that have to do with him choosing the peak of his rap fame and superpowers to make pro black music and pro black music that was “cool” at the time also

    Yall gotta stop looking to these niggas to be your actual political daddy and just appreciate when they give you a good political symbol. Niggas would love Drake way more if he did that even if he was on some bullshit and its subtly why niggas always give Kanye bullshit a chance. And tbh the trap niggas could rock out with the ignorance if they even pretended to have type of social layer

    Niggas gotta start impelementing rules to save the next generation.

  • GodzillaMinusOne

    I was upset at the lack of commentary from rap during covid. An unprecedented event during our lifetime and if you only listen to rap you'd think life had never been better lol have given up on any mainstream acts talking bout anything worthwhile anymore. Kendrick probably the last one

    The closest we got was some anti vaxx bars lmao

  • NorthShoreWhiteGuy

    case in point

    if kanye listens to whiteboy its over