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  • Jan 16, 2020

    goes to politics sxn

    “you’re all WOAT”


    “stop being d***s to me!”

  • Jan 16, 2020
    1 reply

    goes to politics sxn

    “you’re all WOAT”


    “stop being d***s to me!”

    Originally posted this in General because I didn’t want to come off as trolling but it got moved here.

    And I didn’t say everyone is WOAT. Even clarified that people had good intentions but take it too far SOMETIMES, yet no one quoted that.

    Go ahead though, talk that talk for the Internet. You’re missing.

  • Jan 16, 2020
    1 reply

    OP is the epitome of the complacency of the uninformed.

    Politics isn’t about being friendly or nice. It’s not all rainbows and unicorns out there. Grow up and stop treating s*** like a monthly book club. This s*** matters and people die because of it

  • Jan 16, 2020

    OP is the epitome of the complacency of the uninformed.

    Politics isn’t about being friendly or nice. It’s not all rainbows and unicorns out there. Grow up and stop treating s*** like a monthly book club. This s*** matters and people die because of it

    Ah, yes. I should’ve been aware of the plight of KTT s***posters. My apology good sir.

  • Jan 16, 2020

    OP lives in a gated community

  • Jan 16, 2020
    Benito Mussolini

    Lmao damn that’s a good one. Apparently you have to be an opinionated jackass to be independent.

    I never implied that

  • Jan 16, 2020
    1 reply

    I think a lot of super politically opinionated people are just really insecure and use politics as a surrogate to validate themselves, but you’re just completely remiss to not have any political opinions. Like... you’re being willfully stupid.

  • Jan 16, 2020
    1 reply
    Buckleys Angel

    I think a lot of super politically opinionated people are just really insecure and use politics as a surrogate to validate themselves, but you’re just completely remiss to not have any political opinions. Like... you’re being willfully stupid.

    Agreed. Some people have some real s*** going on so I can understand why they’d be super political.

    Some people, especially on here, are just using their political opinions to play stupid games.

  • Gojira 🦖
    Jan 16, 2020
    1 reply

    u gotta realize everyone has their own agenda and is too ignorant to see both sides of everything so u gotta take it like that no one really cares about the truth they just wanna be right

  • Jan 16, 2020
    3 replies
    Benito Mussolini

    Agreed. Some people have some real s*** going on so I can understand why they’d be super political.

    Some people, especially on here, are just using their political opinions to play stupid games.

    It does crack me up how some people on here are hyper-vigilant with politics, preaching to like 20 people in the politics section of a Kanye fan site.

    Sure, you’re really trying to make a difference and not just virtue signaling, bro...

  • Jan 16, 2020
    1 reply
    Buckleys Angel

    It does crack me up how some people on here are hyper-vigilant with politics, preaching to like 20 people in the politics section of a Kanye fan site.

    Sure, you’re really trying to make a difference and not just virtue signaling, bro...

    There is nothing wrong with expressing your views to the outside on an Internet forum in hope to find like-minded people or to engage in discourse. That's the whole point of a forum. That was the first thing people did on the public Internet. Shaming people for doing what a forum is designed to do and what people have been doing since the beginning of human history is the corniest gimmick on KTT.

    Ok you think you are too cool to share your views in more than one-liners, fine. But bringing other people down for enjoying engaging into deeper conversations on politics in Politics sxn because you think it wouldn't make a difference is not only cynical but also anti-intellectualism in a nutshell. You and @ToneBM0 need to take several seats.

  • Jan 16, 2020

    There is nothing wrong with expressing your views to the outside on an Internet forum in hope to find like-minded people or to engage in discourse. That's the whole point of a forum. That was the first thing people did on the public Internet. Shaming people for doing what a forum is designed to do and what people have been doing since the beginning of human history is the corniest gimmick on KTT.

    Ok you think you are too cool to share your views in more than one-liners, fine. But bringing other people down for enjoying engaging into deeper conversations on politics in Politics sxn because you think it wouldn't make a difference is not only cynical but also anti-intellectualism in a nutshell. You and @ToneBM0 need to take several seats.

    Sounds like I hit a nerve lmao...

    I literally said you are willfully being stupid to not have an opinion on discuss politics, and made a comment about a small subsection of hyper-vigilant a******s.

    I’m not sure if you have noticed or not, but there is very little actual “discussion” that takes place here. It’s just people trying to shame others for their opinion and pat each other on the back.

  • Jan 16, 2020
    1 reply

    this is super ironic

  • Jan 16, 2020

    Political piggies

  • Gojira 🦖
    Jan 16, 2020

    this is super ironic

    Doesn't make it wrong.

  • Jan 16, 2020
    1 reply

    People in Fashion sxn can write paragraphs, people in Music sxn can write paragraphs, people in Film sxn can write paragraphs, people in Relationship sxn can write paragraphs and nobody bats an eye. But when people write more than one-liners in Politics sxn they are wasting their time, are so opinionated and what difference does it even make to the world? Imagine going into that Star Wars thread going, 'you guys do know nobody at Lucasfilm will see what you think about the movie so why waste your time discussing it?'

    Don't you see the double standard here? Let people be passionate about whatever they are passionate about and talk about things they can't IRL because they are too afraid to share their views or don't know like-minded people. It doesn't have to make a difference to anyone but yourself. If it makes you feel better, more power to you.
    If you think that's a meaningless past time unless it turns into real world results, more power to you as well, but, honestly a forum (or the Internet as a whole) might not be the right medium for you b.

  • Jan 16, 2020
    1 reply
    Buckleys Angel

    It does crack me up how some people on here are hyper-vigilant with politics, preaching to like 20 people in the politics section of a Kanye fan site.

    Sure, you’re really trying to make a difference and not just virtue signaling, bro...

    Cant always bother my friends with my communist rants so i gotta get it out of my system here just let me do my thing b

  • Jan 16, 2020

  • Jan 16, 2020


  • Jan 16, 2020
    Scratchin Mamba

    Cant always bother my friends with my communist rants so i gotta get it out of my system here just let me do my thing b

    same with me, except s*** posting and not commie posting.

  • Jan 16, 2020

    Virtue signaling the favorite term of ppl who dont have any stake in the game

  • Jan 16, 2020
    1 reply

    People in Fashion sxn can write paragraphs, people in Music sxn can write paragraphs, people in Film sxn can write paragraphs, people in Relationship sxn can write paragraphs and nobody bats an eye. But when people write more than one-liners in Politics sxn they are wasting their time, are so opinionated and what difference does it even make to the world? Imagine going into that Star Wars thread going, 'you guys do know nobody at Lucasfilm will see what you think about the movie so why waste your time discussing it?'

    Don't you see the double standard here? Let people be passionate about whatever they are passionate about and talk about things they can't IRL because they are too afraid to share their views or don't know like-minded people. It doesn't have to make a difference to anyone but yourself. If it makes you feel better, more power to you.
    If you think that's a meaningless past time unless it turns into real world results, more power to you as well, but, honestly a forum (or the Internet as a whole) might not be the right medium for you b.

    I have no problem with people who write paragraphs and are passionate. My point is ACTUALLY about the people who disingenuously frame stuff with the use of one liners and then call it a day because they owned someone.

    Look at people in this thread.

    I totally disagree with anarchism and think it’s too radical. I don’t like your views but I have more respect for you for making a good faith effort than most of the people on here.

  • Jan 16, 2020
    1 reply
    Benito Mussolini

    I have no problem with people who write paragraphs and are passionate. My point is ACTUALLY about the people who disingenuously frame stuff with the use of one liners and then call it a day because they owned someone.

    Look at people in this thread.

    I totally disagree with anarchism and think it’s too radical. I don’t like your views but I have more respect for you for making a good faith effort than most of the people on here.

    I purposefully worded this thread without making specific claims for a reason.

    This thread wasn’t made to push people to be centrist. This thread wasn’t to attack people who are passionate.

    I even clarified people with political opinions have good intentions.

    This thread was made to attract the worst people. The people who think they are too good to ask “what do you mean by..?” The people who think they’ve got the answers and treat people like dummies. The people who get offended by the most innocuous statements.

    People are mad that I said people take things too far.. really? Is there NO too far? Is everything reasonably justified?

    I told people not to be spiteful power hungry dorks and they got mad! How’d you know I was talking about you? Maybe I wasn’t!

    Everyone projected their own indignation and insufferable egos and didn’t stop to think that maybe that’s what I meant by “don’t be a spiteful power hungry dork.”

  • Jan 17, 2020

    People who act like they’re above others just because they’re indifferent are the WOAT ones.

    Not gonna fault someone putting passion behind they’re opinion especially if that opinion is justified.

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