I genuinely don’t understand why anyone would pick xbox
Because it’s better than the PlayStation in every other way aside from exclusives.
If the Xbox had great exclusives I’d get it in a heartbeat but they don’t so PS5 it is
price basically. It'll most likely come down to price, and whatever that persons friends are playing on. System exclusives really hold no weight anymore and the fanboy s*** is irritating.
Makes no difference play which ever you want, in the coming years almost every multiplayer game with be cross platform anyways.
i get what you're trying to say, but system exclusives hold huge weight my man
The PS5.
Honestly the easiest decision I ever made with Microsoft's s***show that they call the Xbox one
i get what you're trying to say, but system exclusives hold huge weight my man
unless you like majority of he games on one system, sure. But for the vast majority of people, I don't think 1 or 2 games will really sway their decision. A lot of people are just sticking with what they've been with.
Man xbox live on the 360 was such a time. But the ps4 was just so much better than the xone. Ps5 is the easy decision
I didn’t buy a current gen system until 2018. I bought the ps4 solely for death stranding. I played that game once and never played it again.
I’m going back to Xbox life. PS trash
i bought an xb1 in 2014 just to play the forza motorsport and horizon series, now that theyre on pc im just getting one of those instead
if you buy an xbox in 2020 you deserve to be bullied
Alright I'll wait til 2021 then
I genuinely don’t understand why anyone would pick xbox
Game pass , UI , controller, graphics and hopefully these exclusive games they promising . It’s reasons to pick both consoles . They both have things that someone could prefer
I'm probably upgrading my gpu when the new gen gets released so no other buys in 2020. But I think I'll go with PS5 next year since MS 1st party games will also be available on PC.