I lost all hope for KTT Drake stans when Drake’s FRIEND Carnage was clowning Drake in his comments and Drake stans were damn near crying, until they realised they were friends and then tried to join in on the fun
I lost all hope for KTT Drake stans when Drake’s FRIEND Carnage was clowning Drake in his comments and Drake stans were damn near crying, until they realised they were friends and then tried to join in on the fun
Rent free
Baiting niggas with these posts is easier than fishing with dynamite I swear
I lost all hope for KTT Drake stans when Drake’s FRIEND Carnage was clowning Drake in his comments and Drake stans were damn near crying, until they realised they were friends and then tried to join in on the fun
I lost all hope for KTT Drake stans when Drake’s FRIEND Carnage was clowning Drake in his comments and Drake stans were damn near crying, until they realised they were friends and then tried to join in on the fun
i like all the music mentioned but drake stans can't admit obvious facts regarding him such as that his music simply isn't at the quality it was at during that legendary period
and have the audacity to call others delusional
Baiting niggas with these posts is easier than fishing with dynamite I swear
how a fanbase with ikarus, baella and rwina not the most annoying?
It’s a discussion for second place, Drake stans have 1 on lock
Ight we gonna settle for this
how a fanbase with ikarus, baella and rwina not the most annoying?
Cause the other fanbase has you
6ix9ine fans are just trolls so to me they more annoying than delusional Drake stans. At least the Drake stans believe in something
how a fanbase with ikarus, baella and rwina not the most annoying?
All I see is legends
Cause the other fanbase has you
how you gonna slander me i thought we were one..